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'Course you do, dear.

I wrote that for a laugh just after your tag teaming with Stonks on the other thread about statistics.  After your struggle with the 28 hours, and now your comment here, I still don't think you get it.    Or did you delete it after being told, and realising what you'd done?
Last edited by Former Member
'Course you do, dear. I wrote that for a laugh just after your tag teaming with Stonks on the other thread about statistics. After your struggle with the 28 hours, and now your comment here, I still don't think you get it.
You should use the "quote" facility Daniel J. The above post looks like it is addressed to me as I have posted directly before you. I'm presuming it is not.
It is extremely easy for anyone to fall for a scam. When I first started using the internet, within 2 days I was subjected to a credit card scam by a gang of criminals who presumably had access to my then ISP's database. Luckily I felt a bit uneasy and contacted my credit card companies who confirmed this was a scam and arranged for my cards to be cancelled and replaced so I lost nothing. But ever since then I've been cynical about any email from an unknown source or sudden messages appearing about my pc being infected.

The bottom line is it is better to be over cautious rather than careless. Also beware of any email promising easy money. Some of the nastiest scams at present are the emails supposedly from HM Revenue & Customs informing the reader that they are due a refund of tax or tax credits. The nastiest one is the one from HMRC informing you that they have identified that you have underpaid tax and asking you to click on the attached link so that you can get further details and obviously in the process provide them with your bank details so they can arrange the payment. This of course is designed to panic the reader into an action which normally they would not do. These emails look authentic and look as if they are from HMRC, but they are definitely not. HMRC never send emails to anybody, they rely on good old fashioned post.
El Loro
'Course you do, dear. I wrote that for a laugh just after your tag teaming with Stonks on the other thread about statistics. After your struggle with the 28 hours, and now your comment here, I still don't think you get it. Or did you delete it after being told, and realising what you'd done?
Do not accuse me off tag teaming you little troll..
I still can't fathom how ANYone would fall for these scams. Some people are very naive and gullible
If you read the Money sections you'll find that a lot of elderly and trusting people are taken in by these scams. It's very important that we  protect them. Even High Street Banks give 'em duff information. Only this year I had to intervene when they tried to get my parents to tie up money in a five year bond.
Garage Joe
Reference: Daniel
'Course you do, dear. I wrote that for a laugh just after your tag teaming with Stonks on the other thread about statistics. After your struggle with the 28 hours, and now your comment here, I still don't think you get it. Or did you delete it after being told, and realising what you'd done?
 Your parnoia seems to be kicking in fast. Try not to delude yourself about tag teams.Try, if you can, to give credit to other peoples opinions.  
Your 28 hours diatribe, which you didn`t reply to in the thread, strange how you should now involve it here.. is another one of your troll like goads. It says nothing. You assume and presume too much. As much as you would like it to be, it`s not all about you Daniel. 
Top tip: Pull your head out of your arsehole
Reference: Marguerita
So sorry to hear this Scotty if I had the same message you had I would have believed it was for real,I hope you can get things sorted to how they were,thank you for letting us know
Thankyou Marguerita  It`s still a bit of nightmare but I`m coping. I`m one of these niave and gullible people, but if I`m contributing to keeping my IT man in a job, it`s not all bad.

I hope you`re feeling better after your illness Marguerita

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