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Anyone know what to do with cats with behavioural difficulties? I know cats are supposed to be a bit naughty now and again... but my cat is just constantly being crazy. I thought she'd maybe grow out of it, but she just hasn't. She pulls curtains down (including the curtain rail), she's always crashing about, running up and down the stairs in the middle of the night, knocking things off shelves, knocking dvd's flying, getting into platic bags and making an almighty noise, attacking feet when you're eating, getting behind stuff and chewing on wires which worries me, and tying my shoe laces is an almighty task, i have to make sure she's in a different room if I want to tie my laces in peace. Before I heard a big smash from the bathroom and thought a mirror must have fell down or something... walk in and there's Wispa Barton in the bath with loads of shower gel, shampoo, anti-perspirants, shaving gel etc etc all spread out in the bath. She chases leafs round the garden for hours on end as well which is fine, but I just dunno if a cats supposed to be so crazy all the time (indoors and out). The only time she isn't is when she sleeps or eats, she doesn't go far either. She very rarely ventures beyond the perimeter of the house and the back garden.

My other cat who is a male, he's just lazy, sleeps for a day non-stop and can't be bothered with any of it. It's like one extreme to another. Does anyone think there might be something wrong with Wispa Barton or is this normal?

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She certainly seems to be full of life and very healthy. Have to say I have always found that male cats tend to be much more laid back than female. Can only suggest that you don't let her have the full run of the house and at this time of year when birds are starting to nest and chicks will be around to put a collar on her with a couple of bells to prevent a massacre.

She sounds like a healthy happy cat with loads of energy and a love of life. Is she Siamese by any chance? I had a Siamese who was forever climbing curtains and onto high places knocking things off and over as she ran round with the speed of a greyhound. Can't remember now what age it stopped, she lived a very long life though so there was nothing wrong with her, just very lively lol.

Yellow Rose
I refuse to put a collar with a bell on her because the last cat I put a collar on with a bell was just a target for local chavs with their dogs and they got her in the end, the poor thing. I got the chav that did it though, but still it was no consolation. So never again will i put a bell on my cat.

It's not that big a problem, I've lived with it for years, but just wondered if it was normal or whether she might have a psychotic problem or something.  She's only called Wispa by the way, I just add the Barton on the end because of her behaviour.
Crunchy  Nuts
She's only called Wispa by the way, I just add the Barton on the end because of her behaviour.
 But cats all have long names as you know. We have Mr Giacomo Tubbs (Momo) and Ms Roxie Minx (Beany). 

She sounds gorgeous hon. Girly cats spayed or not are usually much more of a handful. Even into old age our female cats were always the hunters and movers and shakers. Beany is a mare when she has too much energy - thank goodness we've had a stretch of fine days this week and she can vent her energy outdoors. No pressies either thank goodness.  Mo - well Mo falls off chairs and regularly runs into the shut patio door **sighs**
Dunno about cats,we have problems with bunnies.Seriously folks,do not get them for a pet for your kids etc.(unless you do good research)This alas is the time of year when folk see cute fluffy baby  bunnies in the pet shop etc.They grow into 3 to 4 kilos ,of biting.kicking stroppy messy,house wrecking fur balls,ahem! But I still ;love my "Rio" and "Cleo".
I wonder if they do 'Ritalin' for cats? You know that stuff you give kids with ADHD! I don't think I could cope with your cat so good luck!

We have rescue male cat 'Henry' who is perfectly gay! His obsession with Mr Bug is hysterical, he can't give me the time of day apart from when Mr Bug is away and it's dinner time then he's my best friend for the time it takes me to put kibble in his bowl.

The worst thing he's done was shred a bird in the kitchen when I had dreadful morning sickness and I had to clear up kidneys, guts, eye balls and a beak whilst gipping on the floor... The bloody shit bag!

As an aside I love seeing wild rabbits in natural environment but hate hate hate them as pets as they are horrid, scratchy, jumpy, evil little buggers!
She's definitely not unhappy though, that's the thing. I don't want to wreck her life by taking away her fun and making her into a boring cat. I just want her to kind of restrict it to like just a few hours a day or something
She's fast asleep now, so it's peaceful at the moment. She's spent her whole day tormenting the dog in next doors back garden
Crunchy  Nuts

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