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Yeah: I think the real problem was the increasing difficulty in posting just prior to the changes, rather than the changes themselves. Quite a few FMs were getting frustrated with the slowness of Darnell Towers,
I think that if the LC peeps had told those with posting problems that things were being 'tweaked', a lot of us with terrible difficulties would have tried to ride it out without gaining a Mindjolt addiction instead
Those threads are among my favourites.
Mine too..... makes it feel like a real little community.... and even if we are not supporting the same people (or if certain people think they are getting winked at when they aren't), it's all good natured fun Mind you, I have to say, that at times I do miss the odd Troll... cos it always livened things up a bit And I never did manage to get on a list!!!
I dont like the new layout I dont know why they had to change it and hide everything I dont like that strip on the left side of the page as the actual forum is squashed onto the right side of the page,I would rather the strip was on the right side of the page we read from left to right and having the forum in the right hand corner of the page is not easy on the eye in my opinion,I havent been on here as I have been ill, I know I wont be here so much now as I dont like this last update of changes .. what will be next
Sorry to hear that you have been ill Marge

On my computer the forum is on the left hand side and the bit where the other guff was is now just a white strip(mostly). I actually prefer this layout, now that I've got used to it and since the update, I can post again without much trouble, so all in all, I'm very happy with it
Marg lovely to see you - please dont let the new layout keep you away - we miss you when you are feeling better, come back and give it another go - hopefully you will get used to it
Awwwww Marg..... ditto what Barney says We all miss you heaps , and let's face it, we have been through lots worse  forum changes than this in the last when we first moved here.  As you know, I really disliked it at first,  whinged like mad, and even thought about giving up,  but you and others told me it would soon settle down, and you were so right..... so  please don't let it put you off...
Last edited by Baz
I prefer the new layout without all that twitter stuff etc which I found very distracting, and unnecessary imo. The list of Forums has some that aren't used any more but if they become distracting for anyone they can be got rid of so that this Forum is the main one to view.

Sorry to hear you've been ill Marge, have been thinking of you as I haven't seen you in Games, I hope you're recovering well and hope to see you here soon  Hug for you and Hamish
Yellow Rose
Eeeeee Marge!   You have a good old moan...  have a good old scream n shout if it makes you feel a bit better...  just don't leave us.

I will admit.. that this format change freaked me out a bit... I had "stuff to do" on here... and it was first thing in the morning, I was bleary eyed... and it resulted in me slamming the laptop shut & cursing & stomping up to the bathroom to get showered.  

I have got used to it now... but its taken longer than it usually does. (& I hate that its now really hard to see if you have a pm/dialog...  you have to actually check, rather than it catching your eye on the old menu bar)...

Tis good to see you Marge... even if you are thoroughly fed up...  you often pop into my head at the moment & I wonder how you're doing... & I know the Darnies worry about you xx

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