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Surely that is a a different place to here
Not really, Social Stratte runs the Help section which is now called Question Shark (instead of Support Forums). Here's the link it can also be reached by clicking Get Help on the grey panel at the bottom of each page. On some pages it is called Support Community. But you will be spoken to by our familiar mods (Lori, Ted, Steven, Rosemary, as well as some other people Like Jonmark and April Leone. It is OUR support forum and you will see many of us (gagums [to quote Lori]) and other Live Clouders have already been asking questions and reporting problems or making suggestions.
It's well worth a visit.

I don't understand your reluctance Real. You obviously would like your problems sorted, yey tou declare adamantly that you will not go to the support forums where your issues can be more clearly sean by the very people that you want to help you.
If you are still reluctant to use the support forums then why not PM(dialog) one or more of the mods?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I'll echo what everyone else is saying:  the mods are not in every thread, so we often don't see if there are issues.  Furthermore, even if we DID, we aren't necessarily the technical geniuses who fix the issues, so you are better off to report your issues in the appropriate place: the support forums.
Why not save Gaga for the FUN stuff, instead of the issues?
I'll echo what everyone else is saying: the mods are not in every thread, so we often don't see if there are issues. Furthermore, even if we DID, we aren't necessarily the technical geniuses who fix the issues, so you are better off to report your issues in the appropriate place: the support forums. Why not save Gaga for the FUN stuff, instead of the issues?
Some of the posts in this thread have gone beyond the issues of my problems... They have taken on the issue of personal abuse towards me.. Would have thought being a Mod you would have picked up on this with posting in here instead of agreeing with everyone.... There is no need for all the abusive posts i nave had on here. I am an older poster, with probs, but to read the replies on here, with the Mods seemingly agreing with them ---- What am i to think????? Probably setting myself up for more abuse, unless the Mods step in, but feel the post i made does not need the abusive replies i made....
Real, your original complaint was about the cursor in the reply box, for which you recieved various suggestions as how to correct or assist the issue. And even though you were repeatedly advised to contact Social Strata to ensure you received the fastest attention for the problems you were encountering, you refused, instead insisting you believed a MOD should answer you in this thread, a thread that had reached 6 or 7 pages by that time, and which had zero relevance to your issues.

In fairness, you can't expect the MODS to trawl through every single page of every single thread just in case someone has an issue. I'm sure you wouldn't do it on your place. Hence why there is a report function and a support forum here, and you have a report function on your forum. However, you have now had what you originally wanted, a reponse from a MOD in this thread with advice as to how solve your problem.

I really am failing to understand why you didn't take the advice given to you initially. People were trying to be helpful, but for some reason you didn't want to use the system available that would ensure the fastest route of help. And also, even after a MOD has responded to you here, you are still unhappy?
Last edited by Karma_
I got rid of the one abusive post that I saw.  My agreement with everyone else was simply that if you want help, you should go to the designated support site for that help, instead of sitting here in this thread hoping a Mod will trip over your issue.

I've seen a lot of suggestions in this thread about how to deal with the issue, and there really isn't anything else to add that hasn't been said already.

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