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Oh no. That is terrible! Frowner Me and my daughter went to Notting Hill carnival last year. She was only 13. I didn't know what to expect, but would NEVER take anyone under 18 again. It's far too mad and rowdy and when we got to the tube to get to Westbourne Park, there were 100s of police, waiting for gangs from other parts of London (south I think,) who were specifically going there to start trouble. Like footie matches, MOST go for the fun and the game, or whatever, but a small minority go to cause strife... We got there,. and it was a bit wild, and after 30 minutes, we felt like going and we couldn't get away as the tube was shut off to people leaving Frowner It took us 2 hours to get out. We had to walk to Ladbroke Grove. I was glad to leave. It's not for me.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Oh no. That is terrible! Frowner Me and my daughter went to Notting Hill carnival last year. She was only 13. I didn't know what to expect, but would NEVER take anyone under 18 again. It's far too mad and rowdy and when we got to the tube to get to Westbourne Park, there were 100s of police, waiting for gangs from other parts of London (south I think,) who were specifically going there to start trouble. Like footie matches, MOST go for the fun and the game, or whatever, but a small minority go to cause strife... We got there,. and it was a bit wild, and after 30 minutes, we felt like going and we couldn't get away as the tube was shut off to people leaving Frowner It took us 2 hours to get out. We had to walk to Ladbroke Grove. I was glad to leave. It's not for me.

I love Carnival, and it's brilliant if you're going for the experience. But the flip side is it's where all areas of London congregate over 24 hours and that's always gonna have problems.

What really pisses me off is that there are small children there, babies even. Yet some of the gangs dont give a shit.
My mates and I used to go to Carnival every year though and we all took the kids who loved it.
We used to go on the Monday as well not the Kids Sunday.

They also went with their mates by themselves a few times - they would have been 14-15+ I think.

But they are in their mid twenties now and when they were that age there seemed to be a lot less of this American Imported gang BS over here
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I agree Veggie and karma. I know peeps who went to the carnival in the 80s and 70s and said it was a blast, but now there is a bad dark side to it, thanks to the minority; spoilingit for everyone else, like with footie matches.. Frowner Most are there for the game but it is spoilt by the minority of idiots.

thing is though CP that you can never be sure how much of it is true and how much talked up by the media.
When we used to go with the kids, we saw plenty of high jinks but never any trouble and yet to read the papers the next day they made it sound like an average day in downtown Beirut.
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
thing is though CP that you can never be sure how much of it is true and how much talked up by the media.
When we used to go with the kids, we saw plenty of high jinks but never any trouble and yet to read the papers the next day they made it sound like an average day in downtown Beirut.

I agree, don't forget there are 100,000's people there over 3 days - sadly when you get that many people together you are going to get some violence. I bet there has been some sort of trouble in say Sheffield this weekend, but it won't get the media attention that Notting Hill gets.
Originally posted by Sir HP:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
thing is though CP that you can never be sure how much of it is true and how much talked up by the media.
When we used to go with the kids, we saw plenty of high jinks but never any trouble and yet to read the papers the next day they made it sound like an average day in downtown Beirut.

I agree, don't forget there are 100,000's people there over 3 days - sadly when you get that many people together you are going to get some violence. I bet there has been some sort of trouble in say Sheffield this weekend, but it won't get the media attention that Notting Hill gets.

Hello you! xx
I've been a few times the fights are usually in the same spot tbh i've seen a fair few fights and most of the time its the 13-16 years olds that have caused the trouble perhaps they are totally off their heads but some are fearless.

I've had some great times but seen some nasty stuff as well never forget a crowd of youths surrounding an old bloke selling a few cans and robbing him nasty Shake Head
Originally posted by Karma_:
Originally posted by Sir HP:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
thing is though CP that you can never be sure how much of it is true and how much talked up by the media.
When we used to go with the kids, we saw plenty of high jinks but never any trouble and yet to read the papers the next day they made it sound like an average day in downtown Beirut.

I agree, don't forget there are 100,000's people there over 3 days - sadly when you get that many people together you are going to get some violence. I bet there has been some sort of trouble in say Sheffield this weekend, but it won't get the media attention that Notting Hill gets.

Hello you! xx

Wink Wave

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