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No its not but it doesnt mean she deserves to be told to go on the game. Or to have people acting like they have never done anything vaguely sexual out of a relationship.
Well in fairness ,at least on the game while it would also entail getting with blokes you didn't like(As OP said she didn't like the bloke she text)she'd be getting more from it that a big NO.
Hay guys just to put my side of the story across
Slim your right rl is hard work for me and i work far too hard for little more than enough to get by and thats without paying bills. I do come on here for light relief. I post the way i do because this is me, this is how i live my life. For some people i live on a different planet but to others what i talk about is current and 21st century. Im not looking for attention of the shock factor and people can dig at me all they like. You either love me or hate me iv always found. At the end of the day im here and if you dont like it, so be it but im going nowhere and i seriously doubt ill ever change because i like the outlook i have on life. For me im the perfect balance between a complete wreck head and a good hearted kind girl just trying to my own little way on such a big big world and id like to think im doing it my way
Don't know if it's a 'crude' thing, really. But I do think you are off your nut to post your facebook link with pictures, your full name and where you work on a forum of only usernames (I recall within minutes someone had posted the town and even road of your workplace, can't remember who it was), that anybody can access, even non-members. And from a 'motherly' point of view, you're not shy in talking about your sexual desires (or in our world, being horny or on heat), and you just never know who's looking at this.

Different if you've been around years and have built up friendships and know other users real names and info and spoke to or met them. I am genunely concerned for you though cos I think there is a naivety with you that maybe you don't recognise yet.
Last edited by Karma_
I can understand your concerns but i have been around for years and i can put faces to names and i have txt peeps off here and i do see some of the peeps that i met on here as friends.
I know that a lot of us get to know people we meet on line, and gradually feel secure enough to share some personal information with them, but there have been one or two people using this forum who would definitely be the very last people in the world who I would ever want to be able to find a way of contacting me.  Apart from a couple of very dubious registered users, anyone can read threads on this forum.  There are some very serious nutters around on the interweb, as unfortunately some people have discovered to their cost.
Maybe i dont take this place all that seriously coz to me i see no difference between lurkers who are not all that balanced of mind reading my post and knowing my name and one of the places i work to some of the wierdos that come in the pub and either try chat me up or over hear conversations (believe me i have some pretty wierd conversations with friends)

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