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Shar..I'm in no way stating it's "Ok" or what ever.However it must surely be that we treat 10 year old kids etc a little better than than 20/30 year old murderers etc.That seems to be missing.
I'm not sure how we can treat 10 year old kids cabable of the murder and torture of a baby 'a little better' than an older murderer tbh Katty ... To my knowledge this has never happened before (or thankfully since), so it is a legal first ... and a moral first ... To me it matters not that they were 10 ... what matters is what they did to Jamie Bulger ... what they did knowingly and with intent to Jamie Bulger ... And btw I'm not saying anyone should be 'strung up' ...
If 10 year olds are to be treated as adults as far as crime and deviance are concerned then why do we continue to rear them as children until the age of 16/18?  If they have minds that continue to develop structurally then they're different and deserve to be treated differently.  Surely it's not enough simply to keep them in protective custody until they're 18 and then treat them at that point as though they were adults at the time of the crime?  They committed the crime aged 10 as a mentally-developing person.  At 18 onwards, they should have been re-assessed as the developed people they were at that point taking regard of their past and their likely future.  And perhaps they were.
Let's hope the scumbag gets caught speeding around in a vehicle that isn't taxed, with a mobile phone stuck to his ear, then, according to some he will deserve to have the book thrown at him. How anyone can trivialise the horrific death that child suffered, at the hands of these two morons, is beyond belief. Let's hope the supercilious amongst you never lose a child eh? What could and should have been a reasoned debate, has taken a wrong turn somewhere!
Not according to some, according to me, at least in your interpretation of what I said.  It doesn't avoid direct conflict being oblique about names but not the post in question. 

I wasn't trivialising the death, or the crime, just commenting on the depressingly common response to our justice system in these cases, usually in spite of the facts and details as they're rarely all published,  and the social impact very rare crimes have on the rest of us.  In particular, I was commenting on the vigilantes in the links posted.  Those are very different things.  Tiddly-wink, you are reading what you want to read there.  Threads like these always attract those burdened with emotional-reasoning and you're one of them.

I almost always come at the subject from a slightly different angle as there are only so many posts expressing outrage, sadness, horror and other emotions that can be written and I rarely feel the need to express what is a de facto emotional response.  As such, I usually cop for the displaced anger of people on forums who struggle to cope with emotional subjects calmly and need someone there in front of them to rail against.  Which is fine, as I'm willing to play the part.  It helps though if what people rail against is the points I make, not some straw man argument that they want to argue against or simply be outraged about, like you're doing up there.
Last edited by Former Member
Dan, that link you posted a few pages back with the article that had the psychiatrists report in it.
Where the hell did the paper get that report from?  I thought that it should have been confidential.
Re the actual report, I have to say that nothing in it surprised me. I admit wholly to being biased agianst these, IMO, professional idiots whether they are medical or judiciary in origin who decide time and time again to release people back into our society on the basis that they are 'safe'
Only for these 'safe' people to go on and devastate another family by acts of violence.
Where the hell did the paper get that report from? I thought that it should have been confidential.

I'm all in favour of the full text of sentencing being released as I think we miss a lot of the reasoning in newspaper reports but that was quite surprising.  It's in a national newspaper though so it's full public domain now so I was happy to post a link after the fact.

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