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Hellooo everyone , just after a wee favour. My poor Mum is having an operation today and she is absolutely petrified (a loooong story involving giving birth to massive twins , dying on the operating table and blood transfusions).

She got there this morning and was told they might not have a bed for her. Can you please send out good thoughts for her. She is scared enough and if they put if off any longer I fear the worst

Very much appreciated

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oh Arwen ..... your poor mum - I'd be the same.. I'm terrified of hospitals (a result of having worked in one!)

Only thing I can say is that if there isn't a surgical bed free its usually because they have had to admit a trauma case through A&E.   If it were medical (non surgical) then its usually because of "bed blockers" (people who do not have the support at home to be able to leave).

Its only a small small comfort... but its not usually because of an admin error or procedure, but usually because someone has had a serious accident and been admitted. xxx
Isn't it lousy when someone gears themselves up for an operation only to be told to go home again.  Hope she gets another date soon Arwen and all goes well,

That word Bed Blockers drives me nuts Ditty.  It's like they are doing it on purpose. ( (I know you didn't mean it that way and only used it because that's what it's called in the business).  They are usually old people who have no one at home to look after them.  It's so sad.  The people who used this word first will be old themselves some day.
Hi Angel, what a bugga getting all psyched up for the op and having to come home. Have they indicated when she'll go in again?
Nah! She spoke to her surgeon and as it's quite intricate surgery she wants to do it herself rather than put her in the pool for any surgeon to do it so just as soon as she has an opening.

She said she would try and clear some space for her So fingers crossed.

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