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ever since a got oot the nick av bin tryin to fin a bird so a keep on the strate n narrow so a was on omegle b4 chattin n a was gettin no wer until a met this american chick 17 ano 17 is a bit young considrin am gona be 23 this yr but she seems keen n av got her email addy and her photo is tidy. wer chattin but a duno what to say man coz she keeps gan on aboot her high school n her car n her lifestyle sounds pure mint. dya recon its best just to be honest n tell her aboot mesel or shud a just lie n hope she doesnt flip if she finds out av lied?

any1 ever done this online romance thing aswell cud do wid some advice like man am not a naturul at it? what shud a say to mek her want me?

Replies sorted oldest to newest could always go for a bloke mate.

this burd stuff just seems to do yer hied in, cost ye yer liberty on a few occasions..feck they might even change the urban name o stella in your honour...

maybe this is the wrong place to ask fir advice cause ye seem tae eywis feck it up when yir given the advice ye asked fir.......

take a leaf oot o ma book mun.........hang yer sell eh !!!!

Ye wir funny yer just a poor mans crunchy nuts.
Honesty is best I think

I agree, partly because I've known 2 women friends and one man who were totally misled by lies as well as fake photos. A lot of hurt can be done when someone's misled by another they thought they could trust. Even if an online meeting eventually leads to meeting up in real life that also doesn't guarantee it will be a happy ending
Yellow Rose
she sez shes gan on cam next week sumtime so al no if its a fake pic or not wen she gans on cam. av told her the truth but sorta twisted it to mek me not sound as bad. dont wana mek out am a no hoper wid no prospects no money so told her i own a chippy wich is kinda true coz me dad who a hate owns a chippy so if am in his will its tecnicly mine.

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