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I'm looking to get one of these but I'm not sure what exactly I should be looking for.

I want to be able to put some of my works stuff, excel spreadsheets and word documents on and be able to take home with me to plug into my laptop and work on them. Also to be able to save any changes then plug it back into my work this possible, and what should I be looking for in terms of MB/ GB etc....

If anybody has any ideas please post me a link, not looking to spend more than ÂĢ100, but anything less (as cheap as possible) would be appreciated.

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How about one of these lovely things:

Freecom Mobile Drive XXS 320GB USB-2 Portable Hard Drive.  Amazon do them for ÂĢ53 delivered free.  They have a nice rubber coating, plug into a USB hole with no other power required, and fit into a man's office shirt pocket.  You can get cheaper but larger drives with more space but these are the dog's danglies for convenience.
Also to be able to save any changes then plug it back into my work PC.....
If you work on a document stored on the external hard drive it will only change that document on the HD not any other copies on any other PC's  (that only works for shared storage databases where you retrieve a Document from a  central storage facility, amend it and save, thereby updating the database copy) you'll have to copy over the updated versions you save to whichever  PC or HD you will be using to work on it as it is a separate Document on each device where it is stored and needs to be updated in all the places you store it (well them, as they are different Docs) ..

Hope that made sense

My head hurts now
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Sounds like a flash drive would help you, i use them to transfer things from one pc to another. They are much cheaper than external hard drives and only about the size of a cigarette lighter

You can get them from most shops, even some supermarkets sell them i think and they simply plug into usb port (no installing!). you drag on what you want to take home, unplug. Plug into home pc, drag off what you want, do your work on it, drag back on, unplug again
what should I be looking for in terms of MB/ GB etc....
Oops forgot this bit, flash drives are a lot smaller than external hard drives but if you are only using it for files and spread sheets etc. i doubt you would need more them 4gb, although i would suggest getting 12gb as if you need to transfer anything a little bigger in the future you don't need to buy a new one.

Freecom Mobile Drive XXS 320GB USB-2 Portable Hard Drive. Amazon do them for ÂĢ53 delivered free. They have a nice rubber coating, plug into a USB hole with no other power required, and fit into a man's office shirt pocket. You can get cheaper but larger drives with more space but these are the dog's danglies for convenience.
I got this one Daniel, that you recommended and it's great!

It's lovely and light and compact and holds eveything I need...thanks for the advice
The Devil In Diamante

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