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From childhood thunder has always scared me. One night when I was about 6/7 and in bed there was a real bad storm and I was terrified and called out for Mum, she told me that when I heard a plane I'd know the storm would be over. So after that I used to listen for a plane - for a long time I believed she meant a plane was sent up to fly around to let everyone know the storm had ended lol. I still hate thunder but I love that sound we can sometimes hear when a plane is at a certain height and it's a peaceful droning sound

Also when I was small I used to watch Mum hanging out the washing. I did it for her one day and when I went indoors I said to her no one will want to marry me, she asked me why I thought that and I said because I don't know which way up I'm supposed to hang the washing

Yellow Rose
Oooo I have a list of them   I was very gullible

  • If you sat on cold door steps you'd get chilblains.
  • Thunder was God moving his furniture and lightening was him switching on the light.
  • If you ate a pip from an apple, an apple tree would grow in your stomach
  • Chewing gum would get wrapped round your bowels and kill you so you weren't allowed to swallow it
  • Don't walk on the cracks on the pavement or it would swallow you
  • The Best = if you dug in the garden deep enough you'd get all the way to Australia
Supercalifragilistic offline 6174 Forum Posts Today at 02:23 (Edited: ) Waaaay too many of the above are familiar another that immediately springs to mind was If you pick your nose you'll pull your brains out!
Arggh! that is how the Ancient Egyptians removed the brains from the skulls of their dead before mummifaction,a hook implement up the nostrils.
Actually - this is really stupid. I grew up near the Carmarthen Bay Power station on the South Wales coast near Llanelli. It was so big you could see it's three huge chimneys from north Devon, obviously employing most of the local population. We moved there when I was 5 and for ages I was under the impression that only 3 men worked there - one to "work" each chimney.  What a noob as my daughter would say....

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