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Oh and through my work (in a round-a-bout way) i met one of the children that killed James Bulger. Of course i won't share any details other than he lives with his Mum  - who has stuck by him. Could you do this to your child if they had committed such a crime?
Yes. 100%. Have you got children Renton? I'm guessing not.
I would be repelled and horrified at what he/she had done but they would always be my child and I would have to be there for them. What they had become must in part be my responsibility. 

And can I just say this...? I understand absolutely the desire for revenge and retribution. An eye for an eye etc... But that is why the law has to be above emotion. Without exception. Which is why I find the idea of capital punishment absolutely abhorrent. Don't misunderstand me - if anyone harmed my child I would want to harm them severely over a long period of time and I would relish every second. I'd not want to kill them - I'm an aetheist, when you're dead you're dead. But that's my instinctive reaction as a parent - in all other respects I'm with Aristotle: "The law is reason free from passion". It has to be in any civilised society.
And can I just say this...? I understand absolutely the desire for revenge and retribution. An eye for an eye etc... But that is why the law has to be above emotion. Without exception. Which is why I find the idea of capital punishment absolutely abhorrent. Don't misunderstand me - if anyone harmed my child I would want to harm them severely over a long period of time and I would relish every second. I'd not want to kill them - I'm an aetheist, when you're dead you're dead. But that's my instinctive reaction as a parent - in all other respects I'm with Aristotle: The law is reason free from passion". It has to be in any civilised society.
Absolutely agree Cariad I just couldn't think of a way to phrase it

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