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i'm not a fan  ........... but i must admit every little girl loves doing the make up messing , i think that issue has been blown out of proprtion  , and it is well known peter sat and watched ( dont know what to call her jordan aka katie ) paint her nails and put make up on the baby , he never flinched then
I agree ....I'm in noway shape or form a fan of hers but do think this all has been blown out of proportion by some folk ,including him ,if in the past he'd no problem with things.
Its one thing to let your little daughter dress up just like mummy in the privacy of your own home.
Its quite another to let her picture be distributed on the internet for the use and abuse by all and sundry.
I find pictures of Jordans little girl and Tom Cruises little suri fully made up faces deeply disturbing.
They have been celebritiees for years so they knew the dangers of allowing those kind of photos to be produced.
Their behaviours as parents are to me bizarre.(to say the least)
I don't follow Jordan's career or life events, I've seen her on tv, read some stuff here about her but I've no reason to feel the intense dislike some have of her, I don't have a problem with Peter either, seems a nice enough fellow from what I've seen of him, have come across worse men and there will be worse women who mistreat their children more than Jordan treats hers I'm sure.

I've seen very young children with studs in their ears and I wonder why the mothers did that, just because the children wanted them? or the mothers wanted them for whatever reason? I've seen young children's fashion that are a smaller version of teenage/adult clothing, some of it doesn't seem appropriate for a child, for me anyway. Some children seem to be children for a much shorter period than in the past. Whether it's all media or magazine driven who knows, as Bob Dylan wrote, the times they are a changing. It's when the children become adults we/they will learn whether this time frame has been a positive or negative influence for either them or society.
Yellow Rose
Hmmmm I don't see why a 2 year old should have to wear fake eyelashes but there you go.

I saw Peter on GMTV this morning and he said he was disgusted by the picture. When the presenter asked him why he hasn't picked up the phone and told his ex that, Peter said because if he did it wouldn't remain private.
Didn't make sense cos he was on live tele talking about it anyway

And all he's done by refusing to raise the issue direct with the mum, instead letting everyone else know why he has an issue with the way their daughter was dressed, is add fuel to the fire. Cos you know KP will come back with 'he couldn't even call me and discuss it, he had to go on national tele and complain', etc. And then he'll say summat, she'll say summat, he'll say infinitum. The circus is boring now.

I just feel sorry for the kids.
but i must admit every little girl loves doing the make up messing ,
I don't agree with that at all.  I have known lots of little girls who didn't want to wear makeup - my own daughter included.  It's one thing letting young children dress up if they want to, but another thing altogether to let very young children wear nail varnish and makeup.  I would never have allowed Growly Jnr to use any type of cosmetics until she was at secondary school, but then she never showed any interest in that type of thing anyway.  Perhaps it's to do with early conditioning.

Apart from the issues being discussed in relation to Jordan's little girl being allowed to look like a tiny hooker, what about the damage that cosmetics can do to such young skin?  Why can't children be allowed to have a childhood any more?
I've seen very young children with studs in their ears and I wonder why the mothers did that, just because the children wanted them? or the mothers wanted them for whatever reason?
I think it's sickening to see babies and tiny children with pierced ears, and I really do think it is a form of child abuse.  I doubt very much whether mothers get babies' ears pierced because the babies have asked for them to be done.

I know that some of you haven't heard my lecture on the market economy so listen up. Katie Price is one of the better business women  de nos jours.
She knows that you have money in your arse pocket.
She wants that money in her arse pocket.
By inventing stories containing a mixture of truth and untruth she is able to sell stories to TV and the scratter press which the feeble minded then consume.

Garage Joe
Luckily I don't buy those types of magazines Joe - actually I don't buy any.

And while I've not seen the pics I would say I'd have no problem with a 3 year old playing dress up at home although I do find the whole business of beauty pageants for children very worrying. There was an article about a young girl of 13 the other week -same age as my daughter - she looked at least 18. Jail bait absolutely.

BUT...this whole "children need to be children" malarkey is fairly modern as far as society is concerned. Kicked in with the Victorians. Middle class ones of course, the poor kids were being shoved up chimneys and the like. Up til then children were perceived as small adults and dressed and treated as such once they were out of nappies etc. 

**goes off to look for pics of the poor kid with the silly name in make up**

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