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It's been on our news over the last few days that our red deer are suffering badly from the  bad weather,no food etc  many are dying.What do we hear from the land owners etc.."oh there won't be so many to shoot etc,we may have to suspend stalking, it may be a bad year for us"...arses! Not as bad a year for the starving deer.
Red deer were originally forrest animals etc,they were imported for royalty etc to hunt up here.Our climate suits reindeer better,but then they are domesticated not so much fun to hunt.Pah!

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Makes me mad,the attitude that they are only here for hunting etc,stuff them if they  suffer etc.Only when the landowners finances suffer ,then we may see some action.
Now I know red red are not a native species etc for Scotland(well fairly recent|) ,they were brought up from England for hunting. They should still be looked after.

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