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In my experience Renton! Try, on this feast of St Valentines Day, dusting, polishing, and hoovering the house from top to bottom. That way your opposite gender partner is more likely to (how can I say this so as not to offend?) let you closely inspect her clematis and perform the act of Horatio. Your current path is doomed to failure.
Ooooh Joe! Is this why you did that yesterday?
If these women said this nonesense to another living soul they wud o been carted off yonks ago
I think that, in the main, the vagina monolgues are brilliant, some hilariously funny and some truly heartbreaking 'real' stories from 'real' woman. Also, through it, the laudable creation of 'V day' (Feb 14th,) which has raised am enormous amount of money for women's anti-violence groups. There is some valid criticism of the monologues but I'm guessing that you're not of the Germaine Greer/ Camillia Paglia school of thought Renton!!!
KARMA - for crying out loud you know i LOVE women

Akin to the way Henry Vll loved his wives I imagine.

This is just looking at the silliness that went on "in your day"

Hmm, one wonders what went on in ''your day''. Violent films, pornographic magazines and stained sheets comes to mind. (Nowt personal, just guessing your age judged on the persona you impress on here)

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