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My god the nursing home that I work at has been riddled with rashes for about 2yrs we've been fobbed off by the deputy matron it was midges, that was in august. Now, loads of residents are full of scabs and a doctor has told her to stop all visitors coming in but she has refused. Now I've come home today ,and have had to put anti-mite stuff on, got quite a few bites and wish I did'nt have to go back till its cleared. Should I call enviromental health. Loads  of us have bite marks or itchy scabs.

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Sounds as if you should call both Public Health (which is part of Environmental Health) but I'd also suggest calling Social Services as they have a duty of care for inspecting homes even if they are private ones

To be honest I'm surprised the Doctor hasn't done this  as he also has a duty of care to his patients and if he suspects that these are not mites but scabies or some other bite then he's being neglectful.

I've long suspected that when it involves older adults, no one (authority figures) seems to care
Gosh I never knew it was bites that caused scabies those poor people and the staff
It's burrowing mites that cause it Marg - very contagious. I'd contact the doc again - the local health board would want to monitor I'm sure. ( It's fairly common in nursing homes etc but normally managers would take reasonable steps to contain the spread of it - keeping visitors away sounds reasonable!)
oh god... scabies!!   There has been a reported outbreak of them at our local hospital recently!

They say that its inadequate laundering of bedding that causes the outbreaks... but they still come from somewhere don't they.

I also though that the scabs were the mites burrowing in or out of the skin!

We had to have a scabies check when we were at school...  a girl in the year above had been found to have them... so we all had to line up in our knickers & Nitty Nora the Nurse walked up and down staring at our chests, armpits and then glancing down to our groins!

A bewildering experience at the best of times... but someone somewhere had decided it was best NOT to tell us why this was being done til after we had all been checked.
I only know about mites because I  have a pair of house rabbits.The older one who is mostly white furred with patches of brown/black/beige ,had a few small bald patches on the back of his neck.I  thought it was ringworm|(fungal) however at the vets,she did a skin scrape and saw the little boogers under the microscope.In animals they live and feed in the hair follicle.Rabbit far ain't jumped species.

Human scabies dig deeper as we are now hairless apes..hamuph!

I remember her telling us all to wash under out buthsoms (twas how she said it)...  we were all 14 yr olds...  there was fresh air under our buthsoms... we all just looked at her like she was weird (which of course we all thought she was).   Also, some of us remembered her from middle school days, and nit checks... any gobbing off and you'd leave the nit check chair with bits of scalp missing!
No Barney!! I read it earlier and have been scratching my belly ever since

As for weather to report it or not pigeon, i think you should, those poor old people who have put up with this for so long already need someone to speak up for them!

No one will know it was you, and it should all get sorted out properly afterwards which will be good for residents, staff and visitors!
lol barney!

Funnily enough this hasn't made my head itch...   talking about or... dealing with head lice used to do that to me though.

((shudders))....  its been a good five years since I've had to deal with nits...  I must have almost got used to it before (they were the bain of my life when my daughter was at primary school), cos I am back to being grossed out by them again now!

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