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I watched it for the 1st time the other night and though it seemd quite cheap and tacky and the judging panel are a bit odd to say the least but...

Kym Marsh has a lovely operatic voice and her song was terribly emotional and I was in tears as I know she was singing it for her baby angel son so I knew exactly what she was feeling...

But again to be honest it was all a bit shoit!

What the fcuk has Alan Titchmarsh got to do with opera as well?
I thought it was pop-star to opera star?  I kind of like it.  There is one woman on there that is pretty good - I have no idea who she is though.  That Nolan sister isn't too bad either, and most of them are better than Katherine Jenkins who has never sang opera in her life so why she is a coach I have no idea!

I think Alan Titchmarsh is presenting because he just likes opera.  He present the proms for awhile too.
I've seen clips on YouTube.
Not one of them seems comfortable in operatic clothes. All straining.
One of the men (I think it may have been Darius) felt he had to provide a body gesture for every single word. It looked like a demented version of Give Us A Clue.
Marcella's tension results in rather silly head and eye positions.
She reached the high notes in the Queen of the Night aria, but they didn't sound sweet - and in order to reach them she slurred all the twiddle bits just before them.
No flexibility whatsoever.
It loses credibility when Katherine Jenkins is set up as an operatic adviser, I think, and it clearly shows why these people are not opera singers. It's a bit of silliness but without much interest.
It reminds me of a late auntie of mine who insisted on singing - but couldn't.
I've never watched it either as I'm not interested in Opera. Sometimes I watch the Alan Titchmarch show so have heard him discuss it and recently saw he had Bernie Nolan on, she came across as very enthusiastic and while listening to her I felt maybe it could be interesting to watch, but I still haven't lol, don't even know when or what Channel it's on lol
Yellow Rose

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