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Sorry but I can't read the link as I'm totally against anything that can harm or kill animals. I know that Spain have closed down a number of Bullrings but I'd love to see them all closed. If a Matador gets injured, well it was his choice to take part, animals don't have choices.

This afternoon I was watching a series of back to back progs that were enjoyable, in the break there were Ads from WSPA, the horrendous graphic scenes of animals in different countries being treated so inhumanely and cruelly broke my heart, the animals were in such distress. it was so pitiful to see, it still haunts me hours on.
Yellow Rose
Reference: the break there were Ads from WSPA,...

Yellow. This is a slight coincidence because only seconds before I posted this thread I was signing an online petition created by WSPA against bullfighting. I think we have empathy on this topic.
Coincidences can be amazing at times, and perfectly timed  Nice to know another forummer who cares about this/these issues
Yellow Rose

Apart from the sickening Bullring every year in certain towns in Spain the locals take part in what's known as The Bull Run. A Bull is let loose into a very narrow street with the locals or tourists on either side of the street shouting, screaming and throwing things at the Bull while it runs terrified along the street. Even though over the years this has caused loss of human life if the terrified Bull runs into a person through fear it's still an annual ritual, all animal mistreatment to me is barbaric.

Yellow Rose
More bulls die than Matadors. A Matador if injured can receive medical treatment, from what I know there are no vets available at the time to help treat the Bulls. In Spain it's not just an art its part of their culture and history and when it comes to animal welfare whether bulls, dogs or cats they are many decades culturally behind other countries, even though all countries have a bad record regarding animal welfare.
Yellow Rose
This is taken from the article referred to in the Opening Post:

"Still, sometimes he feels sorry for the animals he kills.
"I feel quite bad when the bull has been good, and you see the expression on his face, the innocence. He has given you his bravery, he has collaborated so that you win praise and people stand in ovation," he said."

"Collaborated"?  - I don't think so.
He does it for the praise?
What a sad, deluded boy!!
Fox hunting is going on because the law to ban it wasn't strong enough.Hounds and hunts can "chase" foxes and despatch them,not with hounds though,they are supposed to be shot "Humanely" aye right!
These so called country folk that think they know better than the rest of us do my head in,arses! If foxes are a problem,which I doubt really, in the modern factory farming world where chickens etc don't see the sun, never mind a fox etc,surely they would be culled far more effectively with some quiet hunters etc with guns.Instead we  have a bunch of overdressed yahoos,blowing horns and quaffing booze with a pack of hounds, on horses etc costing thousands of pounds.Rentokill they ain't.

Well, so glad we have urban foxes,they have outwitted the daft humans and are welcome in my garden.
Well, so glad we have urban foxes,they have outwitted the daft humans and are welcome in my garden.
Haven't quoted all your post but I agree with it  Some weeks ago in a related post I talked of where lived for many years and had fox families at the bottom of the garden. I mentioned I fed them every day of the year, also mentioned I had 3 cats and they never troubled them, neighbours pets or other wildlife I fed daily which was many species of birds, squirrels, hedgehogs. I never found a dead body in my garden. I also mentioned that because they trusted me they let me get very close to them and their cubs who played like puppies with parents or family members watching over them, to me it was an honour to be accepted by them as they are wary of humans, and rightly so in many cases.
Yellow Rose
kattymieoww online 6873 Forum Posts Yesterday at 9:54 PM (Edited: ) Fox hunting is going on because the law to ban it wasn't strong enough.Hounds and hunts can "chase" foxes and despatch them,not with hounds though,they are supposed to be shot "Humanely" aye right! These so called country folk that think they know better than the rest of us do my head in,arses! If foxes are a problem,which I doubt really, in the modern factory farming world where chickens etc don't see the sun, never mind a fox etc,surely they would be culled far more effectively with some quiet hunters etc with guns.Instead we have a bunch of overdressed yahoos,blowing horns and quaffing booze with a pack of hounds, on horses etc costing thousands of pounds.Rentokill they ain't. Well, so glad we have urban foxes,they have outwitted the daft humans and are welcome in my garden
These so called country folk that think they know better than the rest of us do my head in,arses! If foxes are a problem,which I doubt really, in the modern factory farming world where chickens etc don't see the sun, never mind a fox etc,surely they would be culled far more effectively with some quiet hunters etc with guns

An interesting set of generalisations indeed!
Garage Joe

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