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I was  too modest to post this.....but if you insist

The most perfect girl in the universe. Shes funny smart beautiful and the coolest and most amazing girl you'll ever meet. If you are ever lucky enough to date one you should never let her go. The reason being that that they are very rare and one of a kind. Side effects of being near her include uncontrollable happiness a distinct feeling of being unworthy and or undeserving of her company and a disbelief that someone this amazing could even exist.
Intense, firey female Possessing ability to affect person, place, and immediate surrounding environment. Frequently manifesting such conflicting extremes that the outcome is typically one of lucidity or confusion. The conflict(s) can occur consecutively, concurrent or separate. Other characteristics of ******** are; abundance of curly locks of hair (red?), kalidescope eyes, descernible voice capable of pitch, tone and volume that cracks Ice, shatters glass, and renders those in ear-shot stunned for moments, Buckcherry released a song about ******** titled "CRAZY BITCH" in 2006, ******** is synonymous with Tardy i;e, NEVER EVER, ever on time generally DST (D******* Standard Time) run's within a 3 hour conversion =/- ( due at 2 pm will not arrive prior to 2:30 PM but usually by 5PM or somewhere in between)
'********' your mostfearless, strong and loyal friend for life, or your most feared, relentless mortal enemy.

Some guy was invading my personal space bubble on the dance floor and just wouldn't take a hint so he left me no choice but to pull a ********- the EMT's didn't know if he'd survive the ride to the hospital.
Jensen Junkie
My full name:
'In Ireland this is a name that is given to someone who makes you laugh a lot'  ... somehow I feel the mockery of an entire nation on my shoulders...
For my shortened version:
'An extremely sexy person  ... who is known to be promiscuous'  
My username:
'Xochi's are very passionate lesbian lovers and loveeee tuna fish'...
A beautiful, sexy, bootylicious female. She is worshipped by many & has been the cause of many huge cult followings in the early 1990's. stonks usually keep a low profile, so consider it a rare and special event to be in her presents..
and is also your best friend and you should send her loads and loads of dosh and lots of good fings....

Well slappa my non existent thigh's, Livecloud has let me post


***** is a beautiful, amazing, awesome kid.
she's bootylicious and funky fresh.
she's a perfect ten and the most amazing person you will EVER meet. everyone who meets her loves her very very much.
*****is pretty much the sex.

did you see that girl, she was a total *****!

(boy sees hot girl)
boy: WOAH WHAT A *****!


For the record who am I kidding?


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