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Reference: Stoory
I've got three sons, and never asked the sex of any of them before they were born. I wasn't disappointed that they were all boys, and never really saw myself as having a 'girly' girl.
I was exactly the same with my three sons, who are now in their twenties.

When my youngest son was born, one stupid, insensitive woman actually commiserated with me because my baby was another boy - I wanted to slap her.

Looking back on it all in general, I can now see that every preconceived (ha! literally) idea I had about kids, their genders, what they would be like, was unrealistic tosh really.
I said earlier somewhere that people seem to have quite set ideas of what having a girl or boy will be like... they're not necessarily going to be what you expect... what if the woman who was pregnant did have a girl, but she didn't like pink fluffy things? Would she still be disappointed?
Reference: Saz
did have a girl, but she didn't like pink fluffy things?
like my girl!    She's never been pink, fluffy, graceful or demure!   But I wouldn't change her for the world.

And that's probably the distinction...  for what I hope is the vast majority of parents, their child is so much more than they ever thought to wish for.  I cannot comprehend looking at one of my children & wishing they were a different child.   I often look at them and wish their behaviour could be different... as you do,  but not that they could be replaced with another person.

Obviously there must a minority that see kids as something for themselves... they are setting themselves up for nothing but disappointment really.  

My mil was a bit like this... though the circumstances were perhaps a little more understandable.   My hubby is the eldest of his siblings, but he did have a sister who was a year older than him, who died when she was 18 months old.  His mum then had his 3 brothers, and then finally another daughter.

All 4 boys went to boarding school, but my sister in law wasn't allowed to cos MIL wanted her at home with her.

She's in her twenties now, and lives the other side of the US to my MIL and refuses to have any contact with her.  She says nothing she ever did was good enough for the MIL.
I'm really glad I didn't watch it as I would have liked the chance to carry a baby to full term (I've miscarried once at 16 weeks), I would have been happy to have what ever sex the baby was.

I couldn't watch it as it is coming up on the 20th anniversary of it happening on the 12th March and it just hurts too much.  I won't even be able to go and see my nephews baby next month - too many what could have been.  Strange to think, my baby would have been 20 later on this year, wonder what he/she would have been like?
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
Thanks all of you for the hugs.  It happens, I was unlucky, I couldn't have kids after that and yeah it chokes me up at times, but I have a lot to be positive about, it's just this time of year is hard for me as I remember back, but I have a wonderful niece and two wonderful nephews so I am very lucky really.  I just could not have faced watching that programme last night and it sounds like it was a good thing I didn't 

xxx to you all.
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
Pinkbabe So sorry for your loss hun.

I share your pain. I lost a daughter at 24 weeks a daughter at 20 weeks and a son at 22 weeks... The pain never leaves you and the anniversaries come and go to us but sometimes you feel it's only you who remembers and feels the loss just as bad as the day they became angels...

The programme was painful and upsetting to watch as these women were crying, sobbing uncontrolably about having a healthy baby boy which gives me a sick taste in my mouth...

All my babies were very much wanted regardless of their gender but they left as did yours to become beautiful shining stars and angels. May they rest in peace.

I'm sorry you didn't get to have your child but to be grateful for everything you do have in your life is a beautiful testament to how amazing you must be. I luckily went on to have a daughter who has just turned 3 but never a day goes by that I am not eternally grateful for her and I feel so incredibly blessed and honoured. 

i always wanted 3 kids (after i had my first..before that i didn't want any!). first was a boy...second i didn't care what he was (though i i HATE beige and cream etc)...when i found out i was pregnant with my 3rd..and final baby...i did hope it was a girl. lots of little reasons really. for starters i am the only girl in my family since my mum died, i wanted that bond me and my mum had...i also wanted to use her name (as a middle name though cos i don't like it enough for a first name LOL). i'm a tom boy though so she wouldn't have been raised as a girly girl.
when i found out baby is another boy i was a bit sad...NOT because the baby was a boy..but because the thought of never having a daughter loomed upon me lol. i love my boys and i love this boys are easier (so i am told lol) and i'm boyish.....since we found out the sex of this baby though....we've put off my OH's appointment for the snip though we dont really want another child..but then it's too soon to say really lol!
What's all this 'beige' business?

My babies didn't really care what coulours I put them, to be honest.

My first, a girl, was always referred to as 'he' by any strangers who commented, whatever colour she was in, and the rest just wore hand-me-downs of whatever colour.

I do know someone who now has six girls. The last two were twins. I've never asked her if she cares! 
I did something this morning that I never do.........posted a reply without reading the thread

I'm never here during the day, and when I saw the title  I just posted a reply, and logged off.

Lazybug   I honestly thought about you when I watched it, and hoped that you didn't  see it.........I see that you did

My comments seem a bit flippant, and I didn't mean them to be   You too Pinky
Blizzie online 10183 Forum Posts Today at 16:07 (Edited: ) What's all this 'beige' business? My babies didn't really care what coulours I put them, to be honest. My first, a girl, was always referred to as 'he' by any strangers who commented, whatever colour she was in, and the rest just wore hand-me-downs of whatever colour. I do know someone who now has six girls. The last two were twins. I've never asked her if she cares!
they might not care but i do LOL. it's not like i dress in blue or pink, but ofc girls clothes and boys clothes are different...and i found most unisex stuff to be too girly for my liking....frills and bows. some were nice and i bought some i like (mainly cos sonographer wasn't sure if baby was boy or not.....but growth scan at 35 weeks made it obvious lol) but i wanted to buy the clothes before baby was born not be in a mad rush afterwards lol.

i got rid of my son's clothes just before i found out i was pregnant..wasn't planning number 3 for a while...and it took nearly 2 years to concieve my youngest....didn;t expect this one so quick!

i wore my brothers clothes apparently as a first anyways lol
I did something this morning that I never do.........posted a reply without reading the thread I'm never here during the day, and when I saw the title I just posted a reply, and logged off. Lazybug I honestly thought about you when I watched it, and hoped that you didn't see it.........I see that you did My comments seem a bit flippant, and I didn't mean them to be You too Pinky
Hey Stoory no worries I didn't think your reply was flippant at all It was fine and yes I did see that blasted programme, wish I hadn't now I always do it. It's like a kind of torture and I'm fixated with torturing myself lol. I get quite a few texts from friends saying whatever you do don't watch x channel and like a red rag to a bull there I go and switch over and BANG I'm back in that headspace and jump on my soap box and normally the people I see the next day get it hahaha. Will I ever learn? No, never

I am curious though to know if they'll be doing a programme with 8 girls and wanting a boy...?
That is true

Maybe its a bit of a myth then that peeps prefer boys? I think maybe men do (or think they do til they have kids) cos of the male bonding type things, they'll be able to play football and do 'boy stuff' together - like Crunchy said. Also, this is maybe why none of the men in the program cared? They have people to play footy and PS3 with
Looking back I think my initial desire for a boy (when I was preggers with my daughter) was cos her dad had left me when I was 6 mths pregnant for someone else....  so I think subconsciously I wanted a boy cos I imagined a mini-him, and cos I thought it would be more desirable to him.

Didn't care though... when I had my beautiful clever baby girl!  Funnily enough his new girlfriend had a son 51 weeks after I had my daughter (she must have started trying to get pregnant almost immediately after I gave birth).

And it made no difference.... he cheated on her, and left them too.  

I am glad I didn't have a mini-him.    I had a mini-me instead!

Twas me & her vs the world!

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