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If this had been Pete would the views have been any different?

I despise the way Pete has been labelled as the good guy, Saint friggin Pete. And any bike he finds himself with will be labelled a Saint too. She marries her bloke and makes a few quid out of it - and no I haven't agreed with all of her actions but my God I can understand them - yet her ex, who has not behaved in the impeccable way he implied he would (or will - wonder what he'll fill his column inches with in the next few weeks) is yet again the one who gets sympathy.

Men's actions in situations like this have a hell of a lot to answer for sometimes.
I was shocked when I heard this news on the radio this morning.

I'll give it 4 yrs tops ... and that's being generous.

I'm sure she wanted Pete back .. but realised he was never coming back, so she's married Alex for the hell of it ..... It didn't take her long to get out of the last marriage .... so why should this be any different ?
Imo, Kates problem is: once the initial  buzz is over, she gets bored and looks for 'what's next' 
Totally disagree with Karma's post.  I think he has behaved alot better then she has.  Ok, he has finally done interviews but he waited until the divorce came through which is more than can be said of her.  She belittled him when they were married and continues to do so after they have divorced.  She is a disgrace and at most opportunities has put her own pleasures before her children. It's about time she grew up and thought about how her actions affect other people.  She can't continue to put it about, go clubbing, get pissed forever.  Her children are going to grow up and read about the antics of their mother and how she behaved.  How nice for them to read all that.  She is nothing but a selfish woman with no shame at all.

*rant over*
Tequila offline 1171 Forum Posts Today at 8:29 PM (Edited: ) Reference:Liverpoollass Ok, he has finally done interviews but he waited until the divorce came through which is more than can be said of her. I take it you didn't watch his fly on the wall programme then? He belittled her throughout but because that wasn't in an "interview" I guess that doesn't count
Actually, I did see the programme thanks.  I don't think he belittled her at all which is more than I can say for her.  Unpleasant woman.

Sorry if that doesn't go down very well in her eyes.
In my view, KP shows all the hallmarks of a sad immature girl who's emotionally troubled. She doesn't seem to give herself "time" to heal from previous emotional hurts - instead, she tends to jump from one relationship to the next in a short period of time. Taking with her, deep-seated resentments and unresolved issues that seem to surface consistently. 

So, I agree with the OP.....Alex is a fool.
Whether he gains financially or not, any amount of emotion he might invest in this relationship won't be worth the pain he walks away with.
Sky offline 373 Forum Posts Today at 9:29 PM (Edited: ) In my view, KP shows all the hallmarks of a sad immature girl who's emotionally troubled. She doesn't seem to give herself "time" to heal from previous emotional hurts - instead, she tends to jump from one relationship to the next in a short period of time. Taking with her, deep-seated resentments and unresolved issues that seem to surface consistently. So, I agree with the OP.....Alex is a fool. Whether he gains financially or not, any amount of emotion he might invest in this relationship won't be worth the pain he walks away with.
n my view, KP shows all the hallmarks of a sad immature girl who's emotionally troubled. She doesn't seem to give herself "time" to heal from previous emotional hurts - instead, she tends to jump from one relationship to the next in a short period of time. Taking with her, deep-seated resentments and unresolved issues that seem to surface consistently.  So, I agree with the OP.....Alex is a fool. Whether he gains financially or not, any amount of emotion he might invest in this relationship won't be worth the pain he walks away with.
I agree
did anyone see petes interview on sky? it was quite sad to watch  i like pete but i know theres two sides to every story, they shown him a clip of dwight yorke saying he wouldn't let pete ever adopted harvey as he was his dad not pete  then they asked him how he would feel if alex wanted to adopted his kids *don't know why they felt they had to ask him that* pete got all upset and cut the interview short
In my view, KP shows all the hallmarks of a sad immature girl who's emotionally troubled. She doesn't seem to give herself "time" to heal from previous emotional hurts - instead, she tends to jump from one relationship to the next in a short period of time. Taking with her, deep-seated resentments and unresolved issues that seem to surface consistently. So, I agree with the OP.....Alex is a fool. Whether he gains financially or not, any amount of emotion he might invest in this relationship won't be worth the pain he walks away with.

Very good post
Whether he gains financially or not, any amount of emotion he might invest in this relationship won't be worth the pain he walks away with.
Dont honestly think there's much emotional investment from either of them. They've married at an opportune moment as soon as poss after his win in the BB House. It's all about maximum exposure and as much cash as they can grab.

Really dont believe 'marriage' as an institution means bugger all to either of them's all about the money.
Dont see why Peter was grilled about Alex wanting to adopt his kids .............If I were him I'd be going all ouyt for custody. FGS ..she's been with this Alex off and on since July ........she's not being fair to her kids introducing another 'daddy' when it's pretty obvious this marriage will probably be even shorter than the last.
Soozy Woo
i do believe she sees this as business as per  .  she ditched her children at a moments notice to * marry *  alex as soon as he won BB ,  if he didnt win he was toast ,   she is a harsh  woman and very self deluded  thinking she herself won  BB and created dane and alex , she uses and abuses all around her ,  sometimes  i feel sorry for her  , she has not got a true friend  just hangers on ,  i think alex is hanging on for the ride of his life ........ he cant believe his luck ............. but she will at one stage belittle him   * as if roxanne wasn't enough *
madamski online 3149 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:36 PM (Edited: ) i do believe she sees this as business as per . she ditched her children at a moments notice to * marry * alex as soon as he won BB , if he didnt win he was toast , she is a harsh woman and very self deluded thinking she herself won BB and created dane and alex , she uses and abuses all around her , sometimes i feel sorry for her , she has not got a true friend just hangers on , i think alex is hanging on for the ride of his life ........ he cant believe his luck ............. but she will at one stage belittle him * as if roxanne wasn't enough *
Yep, I agree, although I don't feel sorry for her. She needs to grow up and realise she is a mother and that her children are going to grow up soon and what on earth are they going to think of her and her publicity seeking antics.
If you were totally serious about a  relationship & knowing this man was going to play a part in your childrens future would you not want to have your kids with you on that day , instead of leaving them to fly off to Vegas with a camera crew ?
At least Katie hasn't sunk so low that she has involved them in this scam of a wedding as i would like to think even she knows that would be wrong . The full thing is to clearly make as much money as possible from the wedding & the subsequent divorce . No doubt she will drag the kids into the following round of pictures to fully cash in .
Totally disagree with Karma's post. I think he has behaved alot better then she has.
Yeah .... me too ....... I wouldn't go as far as to call him Saint Pete .... but for sure,  he's had more dignity in his little finger throughout this whole sorry mess than Kate has in her entire body

Kate ..... crass as always
Pete ..... pretty dignified imo

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