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Are there any secrets left to be told I wanted Alex to come 2nd (after Joneas) for this very reason, everything is still Jorrand/ Katie & Alex, not Alex & Katie!!! Grrrrr!

I see 'What Katie Did Next' is on Tonight or Tomorrow, my guess is she does all these things to keep the programme running, not caring who she tramples on and leaves in her wake

I don't give a toss what 'Katie Did Next', though I guess some folks must watch it or they'd have pulled the plug on it already...who the hell watches that shite anyway????
The Devil In Diamante
I enjoyed this year's CBB but, as usual, I didn't vote.

It was plain to see in the house that Alex was relatively naive, and was easily led and influenced. I shouldn't think he stands any chance of ever standing up to someone like Katie Price. I kind of feel sorry for him and for his sake I hope that, for once, this is genuinely the Real thing for Katie, and not just another publicity stunt. Somehow, I doubt it.
Like someone else said this is why I didn't want him to win CBB because it was obviously going to turn out to be all about her
Exactly! I'm certain he would have had a very busy media week this week. But now they will share the spotlight next week with the wedding surpassing his CBB win as the main story of interest.
Cold Sweat
Reference: LLass
The thing is with Katie is that she chooses men who she can dominate and belittle. A bloke who will do as she says and who remembers that she is the boss in the relationship. Alex is like a lamb to the slaughter and I doubt very much that this will last. It's the kids I feel sorry f
Spot On..feel exactly the same.
Haven't read the link but whatever the story is, whether true or false, still doesn't change my mind I'm glad that Alex won. I didn't know of him before he went in, I liked him, he entertained me in a good way more than some others did so that's why I hoped he'd win. I hope they have a happy life together for however long it lasts, while they love each other and are happy they need to make the most of it.
Yellow Rose

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