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Had my operation on Monday and feel pretty OK - it doesn't hurt nearly as much as they warned me it might, although shoulder is still pretty stiff and surgeon managed to glue half my hair to dressing (and anaesthetist managed to bash my mouth by putting airtube in it - I should be grateful, he'd told me he 'might' break one or two of my teeth during the procedure, until I warned him he 'might' get a lawsuit if he did). Real problem is my selfish mum. I would like to disown her, if it's OK by you...

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The tube in the mouth can be very uncomfortable.

But Deman - it is great that you are back here. I am thrilled.
Pleased it doesn't hurt as much as you may have anticipated.
This place didn't `alf go downhill in your absence.

...and just in case you didn't see it - there was a thread started the day before you went into hospital.  Here:

Lovely to have you back. We must monitor your progress.
Last edited by brisket
glad you're back Toid...  excellent news that the pain is not as bad as you imagined!

Dodgy surgeon for being slap dash with the superglue (though I am guessing that means you've escaped having staples.... which are bloody awful!)

And re: your selfish mum!   I hear ya!  I have a list of bloody huge let downs I have had from mine in the past.... a couple of them post-op too!

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