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I confess I've got charity record fatigue these days. 

The earthquake happened suddenly and was very well reported, everyone could see the extent of the crisis on the news.  We have very easy online donations like for people with cards/paypal, and collections in supermarkets for those without cards.  What's to stop people just donating off their own backs if they're moved by the crisis?  We don't and shouldn't need charity records to do it.  It was probably a Good Thing back in the 80s for Live Aid to give the famine collection a focus but things have moved on.  It almost feels to me like these musos are cheapening it now, it's become a bit twee I think.

Or am I just being finicky? 
No disrespect intended to Carpet for raising the thread btw!

No worries Dan! Everyone has different opinions! I understand some people saying 'Oh, it's another charity single.' Yep, Cowell's head gets bigger, he makes sure all his acts are in and there is a bit too much warbling on the track.

But the main issue is some money is getting raised and it is going to help the people of Haiti.
Instead of trying to encourage us to donate our hard earned cash, why don't these so-called celebrities sell one of their many cars or houses or some of their posh frocks. Unlike us, they can well afford to, but instead they take the easy way out by making these records or manning telefons.
A cynic might say that by making these records or running telethons a lot of these celebs keep themselves in the public view, make more cash, and are thus able to buy more frocks, cars, houses, expensive call-girls etc etc. Luckily I'm not a cynic.
Garage Joe

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