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I was all for Vinnie  at the start, but as time passed I can see he's one of those blokes that feels intimindated by a good looking successful woman namely Ivana in this case.He has a huge chip on his shoulder.
Same here

I so wanted to like him as I like him in films. At first I thought he was just playing up to his 'hard man' image/ reputation because that's how he thought he should be seen, I did expect him to soften and be alot more fun after he'd settled in, however, it seems that he really is a mean spirited, bitter, maybe even a little paranoid 'man'.

I wish I could've seen a soft, caring side to Vinnie to show that the characters he plays on screen are just that, characters. Maybe he isn't acting on screen, maybe that is just him being himself

Alex on the other hand is also an alpha male, although he is a tower of a man he has shown his fun side and is altogether a nicer person, only one thing lets him down, and we all know what 'that' is..

Dane, he's ok but abit of a 'follower', I warmed to him at first but after seeing him arse lick Vinnie, I have changed my mind...another one who likes to look bigger by belittling others.

Jonas, I like him alot (not looks wise), he's shown himself to be a kind and caring man. Yes, he had a little hiccup getting involved with katia, but IMO he is more of a Man than the likes of Vinnie will ever be!

A Man to me should be as comfortable with showing his emotions and caring side as he is with being the alpha male, Vinnie fails miserably
The Devil In Diamante
Vinne last night really showed himself for what i thought of him when he was egging the blokes on to chase davina and rip the  Chicken head off. she said she found it quite scary, well i dd also watching, it was very unpleasant. he is none to nice i thi k. Like all the rest, Dane, Jonas & Alex all about even for me. Stephanie is okay also but not the winner for me.. ta ta!
Reference: DD
Alex on the other hand is also an alpha male, although he is a tower of a man he has shown his fun side and is altogether a nicer person, only one thing lets him down, and we all know what 'that' is..
I don`t think Alex should be judged on who his girlfriend is DD.  In his own right, he`s been a wonderful housemate. An all round good lad who took a lot stick and laughed it off. He made us laugh, showed kindness, sincerity and a niavety that was endearing.  I`ll vote for Alex because of this. I wouldn`t consider not voting for him because of Katie Price. That wouldn`t be fair
I don`t think Alex should be judged on who his girlfriend is DD.  In his own right, he`s been a wonderful housemate. An all round good lad who took a lot stick and laughed it off. He made us laugh, showed kindness, sincerity and a niavety that was endearing.  I`ll vote for Alex because of this. I wouldn`t consider not voting for him because of Katie Price. That wouldn`t be fair
I know Scotty, i wouldn't be upset if he won, i just can't stomach her basking in his glory, however, it may be a good thing if he wins. He may realise that he is liked on his own merit, which he is.

I have to say, i expected to love Vinnie and loathe Alex...I was so wrong. Alex has been the biggest surprise for me (apart from Vinnies bitterness), and I do hop he is in the top two....after Jonas of course If he wins I will be over the moon for him...
The Devil In Diamante
I know Scotty, i wouldn't be upset if he won, i just can't stomach her basking in his glory, however, it may be a good thing if he wins. He may realise that he is liked on his own merit, which he is. I have to say, i expected to love Vinnie and loathe Alex...I was so wrong. Alex has been the biggest surprise for me (apart from Vinnies bitterness), and I do hope he is in the top two....after Jonas of course If he wins I will be over the moon for him...
Fair doos about Jonas DD. He`s a nice lad too.  I want Alex to win but if Jonas wins, I`ll cope  I never expected anything other than what Vinnie`s fact he was worse than I thought. Alex, with all the daft press he had, surprised me too. What a lovely lad he is.
Have a great finals night DD and everyone!

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