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Just a few thoughts on the staging of the final.

I like it when McCall has a few words with the ex-HMs before they go and sit down, nothing this time.  Also I like to see the ex-HMs meeting some of the evictees or more of their reactions to things.  Instead we only saw them when specifically mentioned in interviews.

Also I didn't really like music being played when an evicted HM was evicted.  It just seems tacky, I hope that's not the way this program goes in the future. 

Then Vinnie wearing sunglasses at his interview.  It has been seen before with Dennis Rodman.  I suppose this is the disadvantage of the Celebrity version, they can put things into their contracts which mean they can miss shows after eviction or get special dispensation over certain things.  It's not really in the spirit of the show to have someone hiding behind sunglasses.

Then the fireworks.  Is it only me or did there seem to fewer this time?  There were lots on the walls, but nothing really up into the sky.

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Also I like to see the ex-HMs meeting some of the evictees or more of their reactions to things. Instead we only saw them when specifically mentioned in interviews.

There was quite a negative reaction from an element of the ex-housemates gallery following Rachel winning BB9. However, is it the case that we now have a cheaper production, so perhaps less external camera options?
Cold Sweat
Then the fireworks. Is it only me or did there seem to fewer this time?

they seemed really cheap & crappy and very very few
Well I for one think all the fireworks are a waste of money which could be used much more sensibly for charity etc...  % of the money from the phone votes were going to the Haiti fund which was probably all spent on the fireworks anyway...

This is always my grip every new year - so much money wasted when we're in a recession and all those 1000's of pounds could be spent on much more worthy things!

I agree that Vinnie wearing his dark glasses was rude and unnecessary and whilst the music thing was quite funny it did seem a bit tacky too. I did laugh when Rocky was played when Alex was evicted however 
I liked the music.....especially Steph's Dynasty tune when she sashayed out of the house....that was some exit.
As for the fireworks...well you have to have something to make the winner's exit special, or their exit would be the same as everyone else's.

I always find the exit interviews boring...they're out, so bye bye. That's the time I take a loo break or make a cuppa.

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