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If she shows up at the studio she is stealing his glory. If she doesn't turn up she is jealous of him. If she praises him she is stealing his glory. If she doesn't comment she is jealous of him. Poor Katie she really can't win can she?
Yes, you are right longcat. But let just see what happens should Alex win tonight. If she let's Alex take all the attention and she stays in the background then great. I'm not saying she shouldn't say a word because she will definately get interviewed, but it should Alex's time of glory.
Her saying that could actually do him more damage than good She'll never learn to keep her mouth shut will she...

i take it she'll claim the glory should Dane win as well...I like Alex against all my reservations and I would be happy for him to win, though I'd love Jonas first and Alex 2nd with Dane 3rd, Stephanie 4th and Vinnie booted out 1st!
The Devil In Diamante
She is trying to take away the limelight from him hope we dont see her tonight
Damn right she is, she'll be basking in HIS glory if he wins, she can't help herself

She may have damaged his chances now, sadly for him.

Earlier this year I went to the Grand Prix at SIlverstone, there was an after party on a massive stage where loads of the drivers etc appeared and were interviewd. Lewis Hamilton was on stage and the crowd were calling for Nicole Sherzinger to get up on stage with him, she did eventually but very reluctantly.  That is because it was HIS day and not hers.....if only Jordan could take a leaf out of her book
The Devil In Diamante
Does anyone honestly think that KP  will not attend the evictions tonight and lurk around until he wins....and then grab all the limelight. She may well have ruined his chance of winning......a lot of people like Alex and wouldn't mind him winning, but the sight of her pouting and preening by his side will be a real turn off for some voters.
I think the tweenies whose mum's let them vote tonight...are more likely to choose Jonas than Alex anyway.
There's no proof she's said anything, if I heard her say it on tv then I'd believe it before trusting those rags. I make up my own mind and still want Alex to win, I don't even think about her and what she might or might not get out of him winning if he does, that's their business and life which has no impact on mine
 If only all people were so wise.
I cannot believe that any comments, even from friends, have not been run past her first. She seems such a control freak. First we had all the crap about her dumping him AGAIN, and then how she was fuming about him keep mentioning her ( yes of course ). Then her wittering on her twittering proclaimed her furious because Nicola was sorting out his fake tan, and now she wants to grab his limelight, because he is now shown as the favourite. I would love Alex to win, only on condition, if this Idiot woman tries to cash in on his moment, he drop kicks her back into the crowd.

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