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'I burst into tears and then Jo made us all vodkas and I passed out on her lap. The family seemed a bit nuts to me, although I’ve got nothing against them.’

I wasn't aware that Jo and Kat had met.
Four months ago, in a desperate bid for attention, she slashed both arms with a pair of scissors. She ended up in hospital with 12 stitches. ‘Ronnie wouldn’t see me there because his management didn’t want the Press to find out,’ she says.

This is quite shocking, if true.

I realise now that money can’t buy happiness. But people who say I am a gold-digger are ignorant. I loved Ronnie for who he was, not for his fame or his money.’ Perhaps she genuinely believes that. But it is hard to escape the suspicion that Katya ‘loved’ Ronnie more because of who she is – a rather rootless young woman given few moral guidelines by the adults around her – than anything he had to offer.
I doubt she will ever convince everyone but we will see where Kat goes from here.
Cold Sweat
Last edited by Cold Sweat

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