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lets all slag off poor ol Ivana - say she wets the bed.... moan moan moan... lipstick on cups... call me if I'm needed... ..... OH OH HOLD THE FRONT PAGE... its clicked with a few... Alex might be fave to win now.... lets pick his spots... lets see if 'the favourite' Vinnie-schminnie gets off his bitching arse to pick a few....
If it's just going to be lads talk the next few days I'll bet Steph wishes she'd gone. So immature all that stuff.
Yellow Rose
eh!  you know what I mean!!!!  Bet Vinnie's a bit worried now lol - Alex's spots are FAR more interesting than him lol.  I dont actually care to be honsest with you.  I dont want Alex OR Vinnie to win lol - just making an observation..... the Ms Beacham bitch finally finding a need to pick Alex's spots... along with Jonas (he needs to have a word with himself really)

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