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Wednesday 27th January, 9.00pm and 22.55 Channel 4.

Tonight's highlights from the Big Brother house plus which two housemates will be evicted tonight leaving just five ready for Friday's final.

Highlights show 9pm.
The first of the two evictions will occur at the end of the highlights show.
Day 24
9.55 am.
Stephanie is in the Diary Room she says she is feeling ropey. She thinks it will be strange to leave the house and return to her real life. The "outside is looming this has been such a cocoon - I've just dropped everything. Fabulous!"

It is the night after Nicola presented Alex with the award for being the thickest housemate. Nicola and Alex chat about being thick. Nicola "I really think I'm thicker" and explains Alex seems more knowledgeable than her. Nicola says "was you brainy at school?" "I was in the top sets at school." But then explains it doesn't mean much now as she's not knowledgeable. And so it's sometimes just easier to let people assume you are thick.

The housemates have been gathered in the lounge for a task. They each have been giving a big round lump of clay to sculpt into the head of Lionel Richie. Ivana says she will go mad if she loses a nail. The video and music of Lionel Richie plays into the house. Vinnie is feeling unwell so Big Brother allows him to sit out the task.

Once the housemates have watched the video for inspiration they put on their eye masks and complete the task blind. To concentrate the creative flow of the housemates the song Hello plays throughout the task. Dane hums along.

As the housemates sculpt away in their blindfolds, a Lionel Richie impersonator, David from Essex, enters the lounge secretly and walks around to judge their handiwork. The housemates speculate why the bedroom door is locked. Wondering if Lionel Richie could be in the house.

Jonas agrees with Nicola because "I felt some aftershave".
Nicola was ecstatic "It was Lionel".

The housemates finish the task and are allowed to remove their masks. They all laugh at their own and each other's finished pieces.

Big Brother explains whilst they were working Lionel Richie came in and judged and has awarded Stephanie to be the winner. She is pleased with herself and wishes that she had also smelt his aftershave.

Vinnie comes into the room and looks at their handiwork compared to his un-sculpted piece of clay. "I think I could have won it." Stephanie "Yours is the purist."

Stephanie and Dane are in the kitchen. She wonders what she will win for winning her sculpture task... she hopes it is real coffee.

In the bedroom Vinnie is talking about Stephanie… he reckons she and Ivana will go next.
She threw away the sash from last night's award which Vinnie thinks was childish.

Nicola is excited if the real Lionel Richie was judging their sculptures he would have heard Dane singing his song. Stephanie pricks her bubble by saying she thinks it is highly unlikely he was in the house.

In the bedroom, Vinnie, Jonas, Nicola and Alex are talking about Jonas's manhood. Vinnie jokes it's the reason he's in here. The pictures of it that got sold to the papers made him famous - it's the biggest in Sweden. Jonas does little to dispel the myth and Nicola agrees "it's big" she's "seen it in his pants."

Dane and Jonas are in the snug talking about who will go first. Dane says he doesn't want it to be him as it then means he'd be the most unpopular out of all the current housemates. And likely to get boos.

In the sitting room Vinnie and others are talking about Dane and when he used to go out with Katie Price. Vinnie refers to an alleged sex tape. Vinnie queries why she'd have been with Dane. Nicola explains he was more famous than her back then. Stephanie explains "she was younger and he was hot."
Ivana asks "What happed to his career?"

The housemates are now talking about Alex whilst he is in the Diary Room.
Nicola thinks he's lovely and just hopes he hasn't been dumped whilst he's been in the house.
Vinnie points out he always talks about his partner as he doesn't name her.

In the Diary Room Alex is talking to Big Brother. He talks about the hierarchy in the house calling it "High-raky" of which he says there three members Vinnie, Steph and Ivana who all, due to their age, command the authority.

But Alex confesses he would love to win Celebrity Big Brother as it's a public vote and "wow" - "I'd be proud."

In the bedroom Alex, Jonas and Vinnie are talking in the bedroom. Vinnie had not realised Jonas has Tourettes Syndrome.
Alex is inquisitive and asks Jonas lots of questions.

Big Brother has given the housemates some topics to discuss together.
Alex says his best moment was destroying the snow man.

Ivana says her best moment in the house was when she was "honoured as best International Business Woman and beating Martha Stewart."

Nicola admits when she came into the house she had preconceived ideas about Alex "I thought you were gonna be a knob but you're just lovely."
Vinnie also admits Alex has surprised him and hopes people on the outside see that too.
Dane reckons "you've done yourself justice" - "you're a gent."

Jonas is impressed by Vinnie he had assumed "all Hollywood stars were a**holes"
Stephanie admits when she first saw who she was going to be living with she thought they were "an odds and sods" but admits they "have turned into a family."
Nicola admits she "didn't know who anyone was either."
Vinnie admits how he thought "there would be bigger names. I went into a depression about it. " "He assumed there would be big, big stars as it was the last one."

Dane is in the Diary Room, telling Big Brother he hopes the public see him differently and he doesn't mind if they just think 'he's alright'. He says everyone wants to win now, so he won't lie, he would like to win.

Dane talks about Vinnie and how mature and how he is the father figure. Vinnie is meanwhile seen crawling in the dark along the bedroom floor silently.

As Dane is in the Diary Room talking about sensible Vinnie is Vinnie strikes at Alex's foot - Alex leaps out of bed in shock at being grabbed in the dark.

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