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three other girls were ill too, they have confiscated the batch of's really awful
Psychogenic, probably.  I've felt a bit ill after a few vaccinations, mostly I think because of the build up to the jab and expectations.  If someone else fell very ill next to me then I'd talk myself in to feeling ill too.
I'm wondering though if the poor young girl died of an adverse reaction from the jab because of her underlying health problems or if it was purely coincidental that she collapsed 2 hours after the jab...???

The press scaremongering us, the GBP once again has probably caused many girls and parents to shun the vaccine...

My daughter is only 2 and hopefully by the time she needs it much, much more research will have gone into it but even giving consent to her having the MMR gave me many sleepless nights...

Being a parent sometimes is just so full of tough decisions.
dosen't this alert people that before any kind of mass immunisation occurs that they should all have medical checks. Simple blood tests etc

Then maybe instead of all of the panic that happens & lives destroyed, something good can come out of this.

Don't know if that makes sense but it just saddens me that this girl had to die for them to find out she had a massive tumour.
Reference: Abo
if the tumour was around her heart & lungs surely there would have been some sort of breathing difficulties?
Depends.  If it were slow growing, she may not have noticed it as it was a gradual kind of thing.  She might have just felt as if she was tired and put down the shortness of breath - or whatever - to just being tired.
if the tumour was around her heart & lungs surely there would have been some sort of breathing difficulties?
Apparently not, since their first thought when she died was, it had to be connected to the jab - which it wasn't. Until they did a post mortem, no-one had any idea there was anything else wrong.
It is possible to have a fatal illness without realising it. Uncommon, but still possible.
I thought the same about the MMR and all the other baby jabs. You just have to hope that yours isn't one of the tiny minority. (Plus I don't believe the MMR thing anyway ) report ·
i used to believe the MMR thing, until recently. my son was the perfect baby, but when he grew into a toddler he became a terror, more so than any other toddler i saw. ofc i blamed MMR, much as everyone else did, and when he was diagnosed with aspergers last year i still thought it was the vaccine.
then i had my other son, and realised how my eldest's angel like babyness was more than likely his ASD. he never cried unless he was hungry, never craved my attention, happily played for as long as you let him on his own spinning things and lining things up. course cos he was easy i didn't think anything of it till i got a little bugger of a baby ...mind you he has an obsession with spinning things

they say recent figures of adults with autism is pretty much the same as children with autism, IE not a noticable rise since MMR came i do feel it was just complete scaremongering.

also that age that my son's ASD became apparent was the age where he'd be interacting with other kids...which ofc showed up alot.
Good post Hoobsy.

Yeah I tend to believe that a lot of it is that the age AS becomes apparent is coincidental to the timing of the MMR.

Plus like you said with your lad, AS kids often make placid babies.

The scaremongering annoys me though, now I wonder how many kids needlessly contracted something because of the MMR take up rates going down. 

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