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Really scary, but they don't know yet if it was actually the vaccine that killed her - it could have been an allergic reaction to something in it, not the vaccine itself.  Not very comforting I know, but literally a one in a million + chance of it happening.   Much better than the odds on getting cervical cancer I'd imagine.   Her poor folks though... tragic.
Such a shock and so sad for the girls parents. I hope there isn't going to be a total panic about it and people still go ahead with getting their daughters vaccinated. I hope the PM comes back that it wasn't the jab its self but maybe something in it but its still a bad thing to happen just when everyone was thinking what a great thing it is...
You can throw bricks at me if you want but it really disturbs me the ammount of vaccines pumped into young peoples bodies! I am afraid I just cannot buy into all of the hype that goes with it ! My thoughts are with this young girl's parents, they must be totally devestated!
I have to agree with you. My daughter brought the information home a couple of weeks ago as she is in yr 8. I have told my OH that I am not happy about her having an injection that has not been tested for long term/future effects.

I've read a lot about this injection & cannot see how they can state that it prevents cervical cancer. Cancer is cancer - they cannot prevent it. You can only guard against it.

I hope that the parents find peace
NHS Coventry said the vaccination was "most unlikely to have caused the death" of Natalie Morton, 14.

So let me see how does the average parent[actually do not really like the term average] Know IF their child has an underlying health problem? Eeerm wasn't this used as an exuse for the deaths of people that took tamiflu? That they had an underlying health problem?

Can some one tell me please how the scientists have come up with a vaccine so quickly? What tests have been done and on who/what ? Would I have it... NO!
So let me see how does the average parent[actually do not really like the term average] Know IF their child has an underlying health problem? Eeerm wasn't this used as an exuse for the deaths of people that took tamiflu? That they had an underlying health problem? Can some one tell me please how the scientists have come up with a vaccine so quickly? What tests have been done and on who/what ? Would I have it... NO!
I agree with you. People need to know more about this 
Tayto, the girl died of an underlying health prob...not the vaccine.
I've just heard this on the radio too tonight. It was called a serious underlying medical condition. Whether or not this is true, everyone needs to wait a little longer before there is the hysteria that was whipped up over MMR.
I read of a recent large epidemiology study over the relation between autism in the population pre- and post- the MMR vaccine. It resulted that the occurrence in the population had not changed to a noticeable degree. And any difference there may appear to be would be because of different medical reporting procedures.
Shoksawhatsits, I would be a shame for these lasses to be put at risk from the very real (and very, very prevalent risk of HPV) rather than what the press have whipped up...also on the MMR thing, again agreed.  Sadly, what I believe is it's just coincidental that the age at which Autism or AS conditions become apparent is about the same age as the MMR is given.
I wish the media would bloody well think before they report such thing.
To be fair Blousey, the press would have been shot down by not reporting something like this... it would have gone viral on the internet anyway. And I think that today the TV and radio have been pretty restrained about doing what they did about MMR, because of the effects that had on immunisation levels and how badly the doctor whose study the frenzy was centred on had actually carried out his 'research' that they hadn't investigated at the time.

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