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I for one am not gutted .....glad to see the back of them. I'm not overly patriotic ...........personally I'm loving Ivan but ......i cannot stand the 'BIG I AM ATTITUDE' good riddance to the pair of them .............Vinnie is not my fave but I hate the way that people have slagged him off .........he is what he is different to what I thought he'd be.
Soozy Woo
Well in that case you cannot possibly like Vinnie Jones then.
Well lets put it this way ...........yes he's name dropped and spoken about his past but he wasn't even in the same league as Stephen and Sisqo .............I dont want Vinnie to win but I didn't want to see him bought down by some cocky little boy .............if cooking and cleaning and rationing the food to ensure everyone gets a fair share is a crime then ..................I'm gobsmacked TBH. Someone has to do it ...........for two weeks they were happy to let Vinnie take charge way did it ensure a victory for him. No one in the past who has controlled the kitchen has won simply has to be done or else they'd all starve as they'd grab the meagre rations without a thought for anyone else.
Soozy Woo
It seems like a contradiction in terms to say you "can't stand" something and yet celebrate that very trait in the person who embodies it most.
I have seen bigger egos in there TBH. Can't sat Vinnie is the worst culprit ........and as I say - I dont particularly want him to win - just hate the way everyone has turned against him ..he really hasn't been that bad IMO.
Soozy Woo
I am agreeing totally with Soozy here.  In principle, I DO like Vinnie, although he has come across as a bit of a prick just lately.
My winner is Ivana (I havent voted this series).  I really would love Ivana to win - she's the one I think that has showed everyone a different side to that which we read in the papers.  What a lovely woman, up for anything, actually KNOWS what is going on in the real world, can read people like a book - and what a laugh!!!  I would LOVE an invite to one of her private parties when she REALLY lets her hair down lol
For the first time ever me and my other half liked the same h/m, and now Stephen as gone, I cannot see where the comedy is going to come from!
Me neither. I think the GP took him too seriously, they just didn't get him or his humour. If his Christianity bothered them I don't get that, he wasn't preaching to them in their home, it was in the house so why take it personally

BBLB and BBBM have constantly taken the mickey out of his beliefs...would they have done that if a Muslim was in there? no, that's way too hot to handle, I think they've been insulting to him. BTW I'm not a Christian.

I liked all 3, glad Ivana's there but wish Sisqo and Stephen were too.
Yellow Rose
I thought that it would be Ivana to go, with one of the other two. Nothing against her,she's really nice, but that doesn't usually go down well with the voting public. I thought it was 50/50 between Sisquo and Stephen, although for different reasons. Can't say I care that Sisquo has gone, but Stirring Saint Stephen will be a miss. His Bible bashing must have got on voters' nerves
Spot on Yellow Rose, I really can't believe some did'nt get his sense of humour. Your right about BBBM and BBLB, there would've been hell to pay if they'd took the mickey out of a muslim.
You're right. Besides both show are dire, full of idiots and Davina does herself no favours with her gurning, shape throwing and trying (unsuccessfully) to be cool.

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