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Don't do it again tho I did meself some damage I think

I hope Dirty Sexy Money is coming back soon too. . I love that show as well. . More 4 has some great US drama's that never make it to C4 where they used to show them all before.. by changing their audience dynamic [adolescent or young teens] they've buggered themselves right up I reckon.. no wonder they are broke
Mount Olympus *Olly*
oooh  we have the same/similar taste in TV progs Cinds. . Studio 60 rocked. .

 wonder if it was cut . .had great writing and great acting too.. Hope it does come back.. 

Living gets a few good uns too.. in between their MH crap..

and yeah I wonder why they have a channel just for endless repeats too. .  seems a waste of dosh when you have things like Gold and Dave for that already.. **loves my QI fix on DAve **
Mount Olympus *Olly*
h.. I am all excited about Greys! Is gonna require lots of tissues, and a cushion so the menfolk don't laugh at me crying!
Ditty, do as I do and pack them off to bed!!  Mr Pink has just said you won't be watching it as you will be in bed, I replied, do you want to be divorced!!  I shall be there at 10pm with a glass of wine and choccies and tissues waiting to see what happens as I have kept away from all spoilers this year.  I got the season 4 DVD's for Christmas which means I have them all now, and they are brilliant, especially as Season 4 I was watching at the same time as watching the first series repeats at lunchtime on C5, which is how I started watching, so I was learning the characters and didn't really understand the back story, now I have all the DVD's and know, it makes it more interesting to watch.  Love Private Practice as well as Addison is one of my favourites along with Bailey, who is probably the best character in the show.   A change of avi just for today, back to McSteamy I think!!
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!

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