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think i read it correctly in the article dan j put a link too that you have to take 3 tabs before each meal......

and at 30 quid for a pack of fifty.......eating brekky,lunch and dinner you're going to get through a pack a week.......which is a lot of money a month......

i'm on a keep fit/diet splurge.......watching what i snacking and have joined a gym......have lost 5lbs in 2 weeks so far........

though the gym i joined is mega cheap......10 quid for a's called if you're interested see if they have one in your area zippy....

and good luck whichever route you take...........
It does seem very expensive Zippy...when i feel I need to lose a few pounds I do all the things they tell you to do....I always make sure I have plenty fruit & veg at hand with me at work incase I'm tempted to nibble...carrots, cherry tomatos etc.....otherwise I'd eat crisps and chocolate...

I also try to walk wherever i can instead of just jumping in the car, it works for me...
The Devil In Diamante
I went to Tescos this morning and while I was there I had a look.  It's half price at Β£14 for 50 on offer ... as I said, their marketing department must be pushing it at the moment.   The box was in one of those plastic security boxes, like razor blades or DVDs so presumably, you have to get someone at the till to sort it out.

I'm intrigued now whether this works to physically curb appetite or whether it's just marketing bollocks.  If you buy some then please report back!  I reckon some people could get by on 3 or fewer tablets a day, all for the evening meal.  All my cravings/hunger happen in the evening and I think it's psychological.  I can't have biscuits and stuff in the house!  During the day, I'm too busy or distracted to be hungry or want snacks.
A couple of mums at school have tried some diet pills (Ordered online) They both shrank pretty much over night (one looked gaunt it was so fast) but i've heard once you start down that path you have to stay on them forever, or the weight just goes straight back on, which would seem to be true in one of these cases as one got pregnant and obviously stopped taking the pills, although she is pregnant the weight she lost has gone back on quite quickly (faster than a pregnancy makes you grow) So i'd suggest more research and a chat with you doc maybe?
I think that's the (marketing) appeal of this product.  It's supposedly a no-calorie filler to decrease portion size when you eat if you take note of your 'satisfied' trigger.  Not a diet pill as such, like that stuff that blocks fat absorption and supposedly keeps you close to the bog all day, but an appetite suppressant,  The idea being that you re-educate yourself to eat and want smaller portions ie. a lifestyle change.

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