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The thing with Vinnie most things he does he gives the money to charity so he's working voluntarily, if he loses this he will most probably give his fee instead of the winnings to make up for not winning..I like him but thats most probably because I understand him..he is not a control freak like people say, he suffers OCD....
I did not know that about charity, which is cool.  I did not think he was in it for the money though.  I do think he would just like to take 1st place because he's competitive.  But I never knew about OCD.  TBH, I don't even see him as controlling.  Apart from Stephanie, he seems to me the only one in there capable of taking charge, and every group needs a leader.  I like the way he operates
Ditty, I know he's great TV but he's so *chews fist again*  If he gets nominated I know I would phone night and day to get him out and boo at the TV on his eviction.  He drives me crazy.  Gaaaaaah
Your chewing my fist comment has helped me...    I;d been in irritation freefall... mouth working with nothing but bad words coming out....

I'd forgotten about fist chewing!
I did not know that about charity, which is cool. I did not think he was in it for the money though. I do think he would just like to take 1st place because he's competitive. But I never knew about OCD. TBH, I don't even see him as controlling. Apart from Stephanie, he seems to me the only one in there capable of taking charge, and every group needs a leader. I like the way he operates
Noty I forgot the ....crap going on here..I've seen so many people here calling him a control freak and it annoys us OCD's I'm not the inly one with it.. we can't help it, its part of our organisation..could you imagine the state of that house without him..

He does alot of charity one of his movies he gave all the money from it to the hospital who saved his wifes life..
To me he's better than all of them in their....
Your chewing my fist comment has helped me...    I;d been in irritation freefall... mouth working with nothing but bad words coming out.... I'd forgotten about fist chewing!
  This also works for irritating colleagues and unhelpful insurance/bank personnel.  Always best to turn your back in such real life situations though   A few chewed knuckles always better than a criminal record I say.
Noty I forgot the ....crap going on here..I've seen so many people here calling him a control freak and it annoys us OCD's I'm not the inly one with it.. we can't help it, its part of our organisation..could you imagine the state of that house without him.. He does alot of charity one of his movies he gave all the money from it to the hospital who saved his wifes life.. To me he's better than all of them in their....
Mwah   I don't even see control freak Stonksy.  But now I know I love him all the more! I imagine it must be hard with OCD to live in an environment so hard to control.  He's luverlee and he's managing a house of "children" brilliantly!  I don't think he's being overbearing at all.  

I didn't know about his wife and the charity thing.  Stop before I develop a crush!  He's my fave at the minute Stonksy
Noty I forgot the ....crap going on here..I've seen so many people here calling him a control freak and it annoys us OCD's I'm not the inly one with it.. we can't help it, its part of our organisation..could you imagine the state of that house without him..
So I am not the only one, who will cry if someone wets the taps when they wash their hands in the bathroom. You could eat your dinner on my toilet seats, I follow people and disinfect

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