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Day 19

8:36 am.
Vinnie is reading the rule book in the lounge. He enters the Diary Room, book in hand to talk to Big Brother. Vinnie then complains about what he heard Sisqo saying "I've lost sleep." "I'm boiling". Big Brother asks Vinnie to clarify what Sisqo said. Vinnie is vague about the exact specific comments.

Vinnie chats to Dane in the kitchen. Dane reassures Vinnie that it was really just Sisqo voicing his opinion saying it seems like Vinnie's house and Vinnie's rules.
Vinnie replies "All I've done is cleaned up and made dinner" and adds "I've been the perfect gentleman to everybody in this house."
Dane says "I'd agree with that".
They all wonder if it could be down to jealousy. Vinnie comments "Pathetic".
Vinnie talks about challenging Sisqo to eviction - if he wants to go head to head "Come on then Big Boll*cks! Me and you we will have an eviction and put it to the public vote."

Sisqo wakes hungover ... tells Stephanie it is going to be a good day.

Vinnie is back in the Diary Room - Big Brother wants him to clarify which bits particularly offended him. Vinnie directs Big Brother to last night's conversation "it was in the lounge"â€Ķ. He adds "All I've done is clean people's toilets, clean peoples floors and cooked and cleared up after them." "and been polite and not been abusive".

Vinnie is in the kitchen talking to Dane and Nicola - Dane thinks it's going to be fine. Dane "your all good mate - everyone else appreciates you."
Dane "It was just his opinion" "There is a fine line with all of this." - "the A teams still here"

In the bedroom Sisqo is talking to Stephen "I have been a little snippy. I quit smoking made me a little edgy."

Sisqo apologises to some of the housemates in the bedroom "I quit smoking - I've been a little snippy so I apologise." Stephanie "Oh Honey Pie" she sympathises.

Dane is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother he thinks he's going to talk to Sisqo and remind him of how things were when they all first came into the house and to get him to calm down and "Stop trying so hard". He hopes to get Sisqo back to the way he was in the first few days; funny and great to be around.

Vinnie is in the snug sitting under a blanket. Sisqo comes in to talk to him. He apologises for his behaviour. He explains he's given up smoking - he drank too much. Vinnie explains "I'm not in it to win it." and explains "I'm really upset about it."
Sisqo tells him he quit smoking and it's not helped things.
Vinnie explains perhaps it's "too much pressure" - giving up smoking and being up for eviction. Perhaps he shouldn't have given up the fags at the same time.
Vinnie says "don't pick on me".

Sisqo responds "I drank past my limit and I'm sincerely sorry."
He accepts Sisqo's apology they shake hands.

Alex is in the bath.. Nicola is squeezing his spots and Stephanie is watching
Stephanie "This is absolutely disgusting" as Nicola pops a big one.

Vinnie looks for Sisqo in the house and realises he must be in the Diary Room. Vinnie tells Stephen how Sisqo "Manned up and apologised, that is the end of it"

Sisqo is in the Diary Room he explains to Big Brother "I apologised for venting." "I didn't know he'd take it so personally. "
"I'm trying to be honest and straight forward as possible." Sisqo remains adamant that Vinnie runs the house and that the other housemates follow his lead. He says: "He is bigger than the Bible in this house".

In the bedroom Dane and Jonas talk about their experiences with 'groupies'.

Jonas tells them about the day he opened his door to find 3 girls dressed as bunny girls.
Dane laughs surely it was just a question of showing them in! "the doors open"
Jonas aks Dane if he has ever "had three" though Dane refuses to answer. Vinnie enters the room.
Jonas tells him "we were talking about our best groupie experience.
Vinnie comments "Don't forget I was in the ugliest football team in the world"

Stephanie and Ivana are talking in the snug about being in the show and how it will change next week. Ivana warns that it will be fierce in the last week: "The guys could eat each other alive and you could win". Stephanie does not think she can win, but tells Ivana "You have done nothing but good".

They both admit they would have had regrets if they hadn't done the show.
Stephanie says she did get people advising her not to do it.. and knows "this show can bite you." but she confesses "there are moments of this I will treasure forever."

Nicola is bashing as spoon against the surfaces in the kitchen as percussion! Stephanie joins in.. they sing "My spoon! My Spoon!" Stephen witnesses their display with confusion.

Dane is called to the Diary Room as a gift for being the key holder Big Brother has given him a box. He takes the key out of his pocket and puts it in the key shaped hole in the box.
He opens the box and finds a mini bottle of champagne and a big slice of chocolate cake.
Dane enjoys his treats before being told he has the power to allow another chosen housemate to share his cake with. All he has to do is tap that chosen person on the bottom and Big Brother will know his choice.

Dane leaves the Diary room and enters the Kitchen, where he slaps Stephanie on the bottom, pretending it was because she was interfering with his cooking. She suspects nothing.

The housemates are all in fancy dress for a Vicars and Tarts Tea Party which is being held in the honour of Stephen Baldwin's anniversary of 21 years of sobriety. Stephen is a vicar - Jonas is in drag as a tart.
The housemates are given games to play, snacks and soft drinks. Stephen makes a short toast to God for helping him overcome his addiction.

Amy Winehouse's song "Rehab" plays over the montage.

The housemates play pass the parcel and on each layer they receive presents.
Alex wins a pair of silky pink pants and Stephanie wins a pretend plastic poo which she gives to Jonas.

Part 4
The housemates are playing with an oversized Jenga set.
Stephanie is called to the Diary Room where Big Brother drops a cake from the ceiling onto her lap.
Stephanie "why?" She laughs "Why?"

She comes into the sitting room expressing her shock. She tells them what has happened and recounts how the cake was dropped with no explanation. Dane looks sheepish and surprised as he realises what has happened.

The rest of the housemates who are called into the Diary Room one by one.. and asked by Big Brother to move "left a bit" "right a bit" "remove your hat" etc.. they all expect cake to fall at any moment - but it doesn't.
They all return to the bedroom where Stephanie realises she is the only one who has been covered in cake. She is amused.. Immediately Big Brother asks Stephanie to return to the Diary Room.. she enters with trepidation - expecting the worst. Big Brother checks Stephanie who is in her dressing gown, is sitting below the trap door.. then drops a big cake on her head.
She takes it very well and manages to laugh. "you're such jerks - you're idiots".

Ivana is in the lavatory.. Nicola thinks it would be funny to put the fake dog poo in her bed. She rushes off to find it. Nicola puts it in her bed.. all the housemates are in on the joke except Ivana.

Ivana comes out of the loo and at first doesn't notice the poo when she sits on the bed.
She goes back into the bathroom, which causes much hilarity to the housemates as she's not seen it.
When she exits and smells a terrible smell (Jonas has farted), she sits back on her bed - the poo is seen near her but she doesn't see it.
Suddenly she finds it - laughs and holds it up.. "Awful it really does look like a dog poo." She throws it across the room.. Sisqo picks it up.. agrees how real it looks.

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