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Awww, katty - poor little Elwood
My four are still going strong, although Coleman has been looking a bit scrawny and ratty for a while. We thought he might not make it to Christmas because he was under the weather for a few days, but it seems he just had a cold. He's still tearing around, as are all the others. They're not far off the two-year mark either.
We've had a hamster (chippy), a rat (Buffy), the guinea pigs (Mario & Luigi)...  and its heartbreaking every time.  

My Dad nursed Buffy for me when she had a respiratory infection (I was ill myself at the time)... he nursed her round the clock, and it devasted him losing her.

& then there was Clyde the Rabbit (who died like elvis... on the loo/litter tray)...

it just hurts too much!

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