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I actually can't type any more -that's how outraged I am
Last night, that's exactly how I felt

Did you see the way her just told Ivana she could wear the undies and be a life model ... and kept saying: "she's done nothing all the times she's been here"

Now lets think back to the task with the MANKINI
Remember how Vinnie demanded the others HAD RESPECT FOR THIER ELDERS & he would be the compare ... There was NO WAY he was wearing the mankini .... and let me remind you, he's 45 and Ivana is in her 60's

He's such a prat .... I can't stand him ... a real double standards kinda guy   
She's not that bad, Darlo - she was actually the only one who questioned Vinnie about it, saying she wouldn't do what he was asking Ivana to do.
She's pretty bad though

If she'd had any 'REAL' sympathy she would have sided with Ivana and said "I wouldn't do it" but no .... she wasn't going to go against Vinnie's word ..... Vinnie had said Ivana could do it .... & so Ivana must.
Ivana should have told him to feck off ..... Vinnies a total t0sspot and Stephane isn't far behind imo ..... Two rotten eggs together

And let's not forget: lovely Stephanie nominated her dear friend Ivana ..... bloody judas if you ask me Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!

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