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When Sov was interviewed by Davina she made no mention of bullying,she waits to read the papers and jumps on the bandwagoon,no way would anyone bully Sov.Sov was just plain lazy and rude, she needs to take ownership of her behaviour in that house.
How do you know she didnt? As I posted somewhere else.....the interview is filmed 15 minutes before it's broadcast
She was a very difficult, prickly person to get on with. She sulked, stomped around and was generally unpleasant hence most of the HM's didn't give her the time of day. This bullying malarkey is bandied about a bit to freely IMO.
There were those in the house who chose to give her the cold shoulder simply because she was quite an unpleasant person ...........can't say I blame them TBH.
When people pull out the bully card on occasions like this - it somehow diminishes what true bullying is all about IMO.
Soozy Woo

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