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Reference darloboy Today at 17:45:
 Looks like odious twatter Ken's has gone theres nothing in it
The "karlyandkenneth" account is now locked ("protected").

The website he set up is long gone. The legality of what he did may be in question (no doubt the Fife constabulary are looking into that right now...), but it almost certainly breached his agreement with his host.
Eugene's Lair
Last edited {1}
Reference KaffyBaffy Today at 18:19:
I feel they're more probably looking at the pictures tbh. I'm sure they've better things to do than worry about who's seen what half of Fife has probably been privvy to on a Saturday night. Yeah... miaow!
Oh, I don't know. I Am Not A Lawyer, but there is a definite possibility that this goes way beyond a "personal privacy" matter: Kenneth may have broken online pornography laws.

If you went on his site, you were immediately presented with full-frontal nude pictures. No warnings, no protective "click here to enter site" messages - nothing.
Despite what the Daily Mail says, there are restrictions on what is allowed on the web...
Eugene's Lair
Reference Queen of the High Teas Today at 19:40:
 I can't find any pics. Maybe they've been removed now.
The website and twitter account used by Kenneth to initially distribute the pics are offline - probably for good.

Personally, I agree with Abo on this one. However if you're really desperate, I imagine a large number of sites around the web have copies of the pics. I did however hear a rumour (and I stress it's a rumour) that some web hosts, etc are treating the photos as stolen, and therefore preventing them being shown...
Eugene's Lair


Rather than keeping his head down, Kenneth's response has been to remind everyone of his "I've hung around with gangsters" claims...

Tong has been spotted in Glasgow wearing a brightly coloured leisure suit, which he has told associates conceals the body armour.

A source said: "He says some big gangland figures want to see him dead.

"You'd think he would try to be a bit more inconspicuous instead of wearing a bright jacket if he doesn't want to be shot. It's a bit like walking around with a target on your back."



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