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(I don't live with him BTW)
this is where you are very lucky imo

make a list of the things you want doing, ie: "I want the whole bathroom, kitchen bleaching" & don't buy any more food or drink to put into that house until the sponging lodgers have gone hopefully never to return .... In the mean time, stay at home

That's what I'd do anyway ..... It sounds like they are taking advantage of your fella to me ...... and the thought of the guy who hasn't had a bath or a change of clothes for 2 weeks is just disgusting no bloody wonder he's ill no excuse for such bad hygene at all

Good luck Dev  .... sounds like a nightmare to me
I haven't read back, but just wanted to say DiD...

things like this (this bloke moving in) are the kind of changes that break a relationship.  Its not so much the dicky tummy & duvet incident or any isolated incident...  its that this is the start of things being really different (and in my experience not in a good way).

I think you bf having this bloke staying there will come between you.    

I'd give the bf a sudden & dramatic kick up the arse (dump him)... to see if you can shock some sense into him.

If not... wish them both future happiness together in their "all men together" type squalor...  you're too good for him!
Ok, quick update...the OH came down here tonight, We had some tea and I told him we'd have a chat after we'd eaten, what happens....his mate phones asking where he is....that was it, I let rip!!!!

I told him i thought his mate was a cheeky, ignorant fecker for not at least going home until he'd sorted his shit out and giving us some time...alone....I let rip about the quilt, the fridge and everything else, i told him how upset I was and asked him if his mate was going to be ringing him every night when he's not straight home from work like a flippin housewife......i also asked him if his mates son was at his this weekend, he said one of them was but if he has both of his sons he'll go back to his flat!!!

...another mistake as i then flipped as to why couldn't he go back to his flat anyway, at least for now!!!!

Eventually the OH agreed that he should've gone home at least until the finer details were sorted and said he'd speak to him...he is under no illusions about my feelings over it and is currently back home scrubbing the bathroom, kitchen, banisters, door handles and everywhere with bleach and dettol before I step foot in the place again....

I can put up with it for a while if the rules are put in place and they are living their own lives BUT his mate phoned him because he wasn't in from work....WTF!!!!

I have said that I understand things will be different for a while but unless he gets his priorities right, I'm off...i put up with enough shit from the last one to put myself in a position where I'm unhappy again....he's trying to ring now but I've text and told him to speak to me when he has some answers, otherwise not to bother....too annoyed to be arsed least it's been said in no uncertain terms, the rest is up to him.....
The Devil In Diamante

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