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I think it's all about rejecting the idea that decisions are being made by others
Well then if you think that this is a reaction against authority by Sov, why did she go in the Big Brother house then Decisions are made for you plus you have to be a team player so I am at a loss to understand why, knowing this, she went in the house. I think she is an attention seeking, stroppy mare and it would be better if she left tomorrow.
Why go on Big Brother if you don't like authority and being told what to do?
Like Kitten, I suspect Sov tbelieves she will be the first person to successfully rebel.
Where others have failed, she will be the first one to achieve.
Utter delusion. The desire to be different and break free. The road is littered with such failures.
still throw strops like Sov and I'm 86. I think it's all about rejecting the idea that decisions are being made by others - it's like being at home with Ma Steph and Pa Vinnie (or Vince as Ivana called him
absolutely right cariad. sov knew nothing about the corned beef regime, the olds didn't bother consulting her.

[quote]Brisket:The desire to be different and break free. The road is littered with such failures.[quote]
 [quote] Tequila: I disagree........there's nothing wrong with being different from the norm nor is there is anything wrong with failing.

I agree with that Tequila. Absolutely. I expressed myself poorly.

While stating that many people feel it will be they who achieve where others have failed, - and many do fail - I was not intending to imply that the opposite doesn't happen. Indeed many of life's greatest achievements have been in search of a target.

It seems I only stated one possible outcome, but I do agree with you - there is nothing wrong with difference or failing.  


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