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It drives me completely NUTS when celebs or anyone for that matter wears fur!! My husbands grandmother, very elegant lady, the week before we married asked me over to her house and presented me with (wait for it) a full length mink with matching hat, ALSO a short chinchilla(sic) jacket that she used to wear to the opera.
O.M.G. you cannot imagine how I felt. My fiance (now hubby) knowing my stance on this just went white (I kid you not) and cowardly left the room.

Anyhoooo, I spoke very kindly and gently to Ingrid and told her how I felt and she listened and put them back in one of her massive walk in closets and said that whilst she couldn't get rid of them as her father and husband had given them to her she would never, ever wear fur again or promote it.She has left instructions that they be disposed of when she passes on. It was a little triumph on my part but at least if an old lady can acknowledge the wrongness of wearing fur, perhaps there is some hope.
Skylark24 2628 Forum PostsYesterday at 15:24 (Edited: ) well yes ok, but my question is why does she still use her old married name? She has been divorced for years from old Mr Trump and remarried so why use it ?
Just what i said to my husband last night. 

There's obviously perks from keeping it

( I remember reading Hello magazine in the late 80s,early 90s and thinking she was dead glamorous and how great it must be to be her 

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