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I suppose if you live in a world where everyone around you is having nips and tucks ... you probably jump on the bandwagon at some point.

I suppose there must be some good exaples somewhere ... but I would imagine people like Ivana have so much money they tend to go overboard & have multiple procedures ....... people often say: cosmetic surgery is addictive ... if you fix one thing, the feeling would be:  you can fix everything else too.
I have not seen a close up of Ivani for what I have seen is not too bad, I would say Stehanie has had work done and looks great,I suppose it depends on how much work you get done and by whom Heidi looks like she has had work done that has gone badly wrong,Sharon Osborne looks great and she has probably had more work done than anyone,I dont like botox on anyone young or old or lip fillers.
Sharon Osborne looks pretty good but most others just look like their faces have been stuck in a wind tunnel
Yogi even she has gone overboard now. I agree her surgery was fabulous but I saw her on American tv and her mouth is all pumped up and stretched, apparently her kids have told her to stop now before she looks any worse. She looked really weird looking.
Yogi even she has gone overboard now. I agree her surgery was fabulous but I saw her on American tv and her mouth is all pumped up and stretched, apparently her kids have told her to stop now before she looks any worse. She looked really weird looking.
That's a shame Fairfax. I haven't seen her on TV recently but it sounds like she has taken things too far.
My son's best friend, from his primary school last year.. his mum had a load of cosmetic surgery done.

Was astonishing transformation.   We'd walked the boys home on the last day of term (was a couple of years ago)... and I remember expressing concern about them still going on a planned trip to see her family over the holidays, in Lebanon....  there had been trouble and there were warnings not to go there again.    She was quite blase about the bombings and stuff... saying you got used to it when you lived there!   For the couple of months leading up to this she had lost loads of weight and been going to the gym.

First day of the new term.... she came out of her house and looked amazing.  She admitted the trip had had a duel purpose... surgery was cheaper out there, and her mum was there to help with the kids.   She had had a nose job, boob job, tummy tuck, liposuction on her thighs, bingo wing removal.    She also said if she had had an inkling of just HOW painful it would be she probably wouldn't have done it (but she had all this done in the same op.... wtf!!!!).

She's still looking fab.... and she's a lot happier...  I don't think its done her marraige much good though...   a lot of rows with hubby over her spending money on clothes all the time!

I'm happy for her...  she'd had 4 kids, she works, she was depressed beforehand, now she's not.
That's an ace story Ditty and good for her

I think it's whatever makes you happy really. If you have deep rooted personal issues then a few quick fixes of surgery will probably only help temporarily, but wont address what's going on deep down. Whereas if it's only your physical appearance that has got you down, but in other areas of your life you are ok, then it can be the solution that's needed to complete you as a person. (I suppose).

I'd love a new life let alone a new face If there was a way of erasing certain memories and starting anew somewhere different then I would look into it. Talking with the family about starting somewhere new at the mo, maybe abroad, it wont erase certain things but would help for the future I think 
yeah I am happy for her, however.... she is def a different kind of person to me.  Don't get me wrong.... there was a part of me that thought "oooh, I wish I was looking that good", but I couldn't go through all that pain for it.

More to the point... I would not be able to take that kind of a risk (& it was high risk.... especially having the loose flesh under her arms removed & the tummy tuck) for the sake of my appearance.  

Theres the difference I suppose.   As it happens she was ok....   but I shudder to think what could have happened... especially as she had it done abroad, basically on the cheap.
I saw that programme "Elvis by the Presleys" featuring interviews with Priscilla Presley.

It was made in 2005 which made her about 60 at the time (she was born in 1945). I thought she looked amazing, even though "worked on" - even her neck was good.

Since that programme was made she was one of the people worked on by a bogus plastic surgeon who injected people with industrial low-grade silicone similar to that used by mechanics to grease car parts.

Pic taken from an article here: Priscilla Presley: 'I fell victim to botched plastic surgery'

In the end it seems they ALL take it too far!
Baby Bunny
my SIL was naturally beautiful. She had natural luba lips (as we call them), great facial bone structure & silver blonde hair oh & a figure to die for. Cause she still lives in Oz we hadn't seen her for 5-6 years. Well this year we got photos of them at Christmas (which was lovely). The amount of work she has had done is phenomenal
Although Lulu has denied any artificial chemicals and surgery, she is amazing for her age.  The secret would seem to be to choose the right Surgeon.  Lulu says her own products are what keeps her young looking but Lulu is the same age as me, and I do not have dew-drop skin.  I have saggy eyes and have lines round my mouth - all part and parcel of being in your 60s.  I would safely say that Lulu is the best example of how to 'get it right'.  I will try and post a picture of her in my next post.

They all look alike in Hollywood.  The wind-tunnel look, the pulled back at the ears look, and they are so easy to spot.  Blizz, those pictures are an example of how not to do it.  Do you agree?
Twee Surgeon

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