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Hi Eugene's everyone's personal details are prolly on there anyway....they just want peeps to confirm them. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors eh
Hi! - I'm finally back from the holidays!

The ID card bill lists 50 registrable items of information, and this can be extended in the future. But yes, the new factors are the central database (if they ever get it working properly ) and the legal requirement to keep your details up-to-date.

For those who don't already know about it: is the place to go to get the "other side" of the ID card debate.
Eugene's Lair
Reference Rexi Today at 22:21:
I just thought of another example of how we sleepwalked compliantly, without protesting into something. Rubbish collections - did anyone really want fortnightly rubbish collections? I've never met anyone, except local councillors, who think it is a good idea
Nobody actually wants fortnightly collections, but the reality is that for some people, it's not a big deal either way. I'm fairly lucky in that I don't have a lot of rubbish anyway, and I live in an area where, although my wheelie is collected fortnightly, my recyclable waste is still collected weekly. Also. my council recently increased the range of recyclable materials they collect, with the result that my "wheelie" waste has halved.
However, I realize this isn't the same for everyone and, like onetoo, I can understand why fortnightly collections are a major problem for some...
Eugene's Lair
And this week I learn we are to get yet another bin  A blue one to 'take over' from the recycling box that will hold more (other stuff they want you to recycle....cardboard and stuff. That'll be three we have now. Where will I put it I ask myself. (I put the black recycling box in the garage untill it's time for it to be emptied and have a box at the kitchen door which I transfer to the garage)
Reference: Rexi
I just thought of another example of how we sleepwalked compliantly, without protesting into something. Rubbish collections - did anyone really want fortnightly rubbish collections? I've never met anyone, except local councillors, who think it is a good idea
Emm.....puts hand up. It's fine by me. Effectively we are still getting the same amount of rubbish shifted over a fortnight. It just goes in larger dolops of some things this week and the other stuff in the second week. So we're still actually getting rubbis collection EVERY week.
Or at least I am.

I have three bins, brown for glass(emptied 4 weeklt), blue for paper,cardboard and plastic. They sit round the back or at the side, same as they did when it was just one bin.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
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Fornightly doesn't affect me that much Rexi as I'm on me own and only put the bin out every two weeks at collection time, but I can see where anyone with a family would find it hard
That's one of the purposes of the 2 week wheelue bin collection, it limits the amount of landfill waste you can amass and have collected.  It's supposed to be hard enough to encourage people to sort their waste.

I'm quite luckly now as all our recycling goes into one bag: cardboard, plastic, cartons, paper, magazines.  It's just glass and tins that are separate for obvious reasons.
national identity cards are a very,very bad idea.
one of the first countries to have them was germany and we all know what they were used for.
if we had a national database for identity cards, you will be obligated to have all your personal details on it.
rather like the dvla which requires us to put our personal details on the database for our licences and vehicles, we have no choice, and those details are then sold to whoever pays  up.
and those details are then sold to whoever pays up.
Which, if it's health insurance companies, would be catastrophic in a Gattaca film sort of way for those who are inclined to ill health.  Also, if our whole community life depends on a card and an entry in the database then the state will have enormous power - far more than the Nazi Germany state had - to stop someone living in the country if they become 'undesirable'.  Undesirable here may not just mean a terrorist cell, it may mean someone not in line with NuLabour or its authoritarian grandchild in 40 years time.

It sounds quite benign now but you only have to look at the level of technological advances in the last 30 years to see where we could end up if the underlying philosophy of this is not challenged.  The State serves the People, we are collectively its master not the other way around.  If that truly changes then we're in deep poopy.
And this week I learn we are to get yet another bin A blue one to 'take over' from the recycling box that will hold more (other stuff they want you to recycle....cardboard and stuff
We already have 4!!!

Grey - normal Waste
Beige/ Cream - Paper
Green - Garden Waste
Maroon - Plastics & Bottles

Ball ache taking them all out and bringing them back in, it's the folks with small gardens & yards I feels sorry for, there's no where to put them! I Believe we are to get ANOTHER, not sure what for though....
The Devil In Diamante

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