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Here's what I said in another thread:

Really don't like Katia - and I wouldn't have recognised her if she'd served me in my local before she went in the house.
She made a beeline straight for Jonas, didn't she? Musician with money? Right... Mmmm, you coming for a smoke? Mmmm, can I wear your jacket? Giggle, giggle.. And then had a face like a smacked arse when he was talking to Nicola later.
So far, I haven't seen her bother speaking to any of the other women in there.

And what, pray, is a "public relationship"? Sex in the front window display at DFS?
When she was asked what she did, she said "Well, I went out with-" and then stopped herself. Probably because she remembered how her agent had told her to phrase it.
i liked it that she didn't say who she was with and just said 'this and that' so up to now she's ok by me
Afternoon Duchess, I don't think she has anything to boast about, so perhaps thats why she didn't elobrate on who she was with.

I will be upfront here and say I think she has no business being in that house as she certainly is no celebrity and I find her antics with Ronnie Wood absolutely deplorable. .
Fairfax, I totally agree that she shouldn't be in there. She has done nothing to deserve it. At least Alex has some sort of career as a cage-fighter to back up his "famous partner" claim - all Katia did before she got her claws into Ronnie Wood was work behind a bar.

And subby, she looks so much like a younger, scruffier Jo Wood, it's uncanny.
Katya is not a celebrity at all and really has no right to be there, but she is pretty.  But Alex has no more right and neither does Heidi.  I don't think Alex has any more right though, just because he has done a bit of cage fighting?.  Why not put someone in who has worked in the Lloyds tsb?  They have contributed as much to the world of showbiz as he has.  LOL.  And Heidi DEFINATELY should not be there IMO.

And yes Demantoid, Katya is very like a young Jo Wood in appearance .  I don't feel a scrap of sympathy for Jo Wood though OR see her the 'survivor' and the 'victim,' that she tries to make herself out to be.  She has lived a very luxurious rock star wife lifestyle for some 30 years or more, and then her husband left her for a younger prettier girl.  THEN she decides he was horrid to her and abused her for years.  Funny she never mentioned that til he left her.

Regarding Ronnie and Katya getting together; In the 1970s, that is EXACTLY what happened with Ronnie Wood.  Except Jo was the 'younger, prettier girl...' in that case.  And Ronnie left the woman he was with at the time.

If you are a piece of totty who manages to snare a man and get him to leave his older, and slightly less young and sexy wife or partner for you,, then you can't piss and moan when the tables are turned, and the same thing happens to you.  What goes around comes around...
I didnt really have an opinion on her until she was going on about innocent flirting and the fact she has a boyfriend...... then she goes and sleeps in Jona's bed!! Either you have a boyfriend you love and respect or you dont!!

I hope her fella gives her the heavho as soon as she steps foot outside the the house the little tramp
I actually LOVE this girl!!! Stuff the fact that she is infamous rather than famous... she is the right selection for the CBB house... and has evoked opinion (albeit mostly negative) whereas Nicola T, for instance, has offered next to nothing - and is unlikely to stir emotions. However, if Katia is up this week she will be out! Pathetic really; especially if based upon pre-CBB prejudice...
Cold Sweat

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