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Mr L taking me out in the wheelchair for the first time and turning it into a total and utter laugh, we were killing ourselves laughing, he turned what might have been a bit of a weird day into total hilarity and made me feel proper good about myself. I'll never forget that day as long as I live for GOOD reasons not bad ones. 
awwww go Mr L
I have two highlights...the first is obvious...ickle Finndus

The second is my hubby.  We used to be a real 'do our own thing' kinda couple, but since Finn was born we have become such a unit!  He is such a wonderful dad and an absolute perfect husband.  He took such excellent care of me after the section and when I was doped up to the eyeballs on BP meds , but more than that he takes such great care of Finn.  The way he looks at him is so so cute

He took what was already an exceptional year and multiplied it by fifty!  He really is a top catch
Especially after a section (been there done that). Mine was a terrible sleeper, 2 hours at a time max (and that was on a good day) - he also had severe colic. I was an absolute state but you just dont care when they're newborn, every waking hour goes into looking after them.
When I used to meet the mums looking fresh as a daisy pushing their babies along bleating how their's slept 6 hours I wanted to push them under the nearest bus I was not your average Susie Homemaker mummy

Me and my son's dad started living together again when my boy was 9 months, I think I would have put acid in his bath if he was living with us when my son was a tiny baby, just couldn't have coped with it. Needless to say it wasn't the aforementioned solid unit I was talking about
  Karm...that's the down point of having a really good husband, you feel like a right lazy cow   We would take it in turns to do the midnight he really did his fair share of everything.  Plus after the section when Finn cried...I'd jump out of the bed to get him and then collapse straight back in with the pain   So Paal really had to do more than your average dad.

I used to hate those mums that you'd hear did everything themselves and looked fresh as a daisy, I like to think that secretly at night they rock in a corner nursing a bottle of wine, and not in a Kinga way
I used to hate those mums that you'd hear did everything themselves and looked fresh as a daisy
I used to find the ones who were martyrs dead annoying...the ones who wouldn't let the dads do they thought they would get everything wrong.  If he's such an incompetent idiot then why have a baby with him? *head-desk*

Good on Mr Temps though!

Oh and *cringe* at my stupid drunken postings in this thread
Oh and *cringe* at my stupid drunken postings in this thread
awwww - I loved them

Temps - my husband used to have a great way of quietening our baby son down - he used to hold him in the palm of his hand and swoop him around the room whilst da daaing  The Dambusters March at the top of his voice. Poor child was like

I never did work out just how hubby ever found out that this worked
  Rexi...I remember a friend of mine telling me she had to swing her daughter in her carseat to stop her crying...again I never asked how she figured out that it worked sis in law not only didn't let my brother do anything, but she would rarely let anyone else hold my niece!  Jees I'd give Finn to anyone

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