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I have just been watching the Parliament channel.
There was an item showing 300 teenagers comprising the UK Youth Parliament speaking in the  Commons.
Many waved their hands.
The vast majority flapped their arms.
When watching the news I have noticed how many reporters flap their arms.
I have also noticed how many young TV presenters flap their arms.
I have also noticed how many presenters of travel programmes and art programmes flap their arms.
Some seem to find it impossible to speak without flapping, (rather like a demented windmill doing semaphore.)
Is this normal?
Or do programme makers ask them to do it, believing it will look more interesting.
Do you wave your hands and/or flap your arms when talking?
Would you be able to speak whilst sitting on your hands?

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I'm a right flapper.

I waggle my hands to signify missing words too.  My husband has perfected the art of understanding what this means :Me: That thing, you know, the thing? What's it called again, the place? *flaps hands*

:Him: Place?

:Me:The place where the things are, plants. *flaps arms wildly*

:Him: Garden?

:Me: Yes! That's it garden erm... thingy *flaps, flaps more, waggles hands* Buy! *small flap*

:Him: Garden Centre?

:Me: YES!

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