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I love my boyfriend so much, and am really content with his company. I can't get enough of being with him, and don't really feel the need to go out socialising with friends, family or work colleagues.

Is investing so much time and emotion into our relationship, to the point of virtually shutting the world out normal or strange?

I know that many of you are not exactly backwards in coming forward, so I am expecting nothing but honest replies!

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^^^ wot Lecs said. It's only natural that when you're first with someone you want to spend every spare minute with them and friendships do suffer, if they're real friends they'll understand, although it's important not to take the piss and only have them there when it suits you, make sure you stay in touch and let them know they're still valued. Men come and go but true friends are priceless and are the ones who will still be there in years to come.
Its normal... but its high risk.    By dropping everyone else, you are saying either "I love you... I am committed to you... we don't need anyone else"  or "you have me right where you want me... proceed to walk all over me, treat me like shit... and then walk out on me cos you think I am too needy".

Realistically...  its starts out as the first.... then as familiarity breeds contempt... it morphs into the second.

Then you find yourself dumped... and having to claw back a single social life.
As you get older its a bit different cos everyone is settling down and having kids... and so most of your mates have families to look after... so its more understood and accepted.   True friends end up being the ones you can go months and months without speaking to... but that you know you could call upon at any time you needed to.   But your social circle shrinks from lots of mates... to a few very good friends.

Personally... having been caught out big time with the first love of my life (and at the time it had not even crossed my mind we wouldn't be together forever)... I never put myself in that situation again... I never cut off the rest of the world.. however tempting it was... I always kept a bit of me for me.
First of all I would suggest that you give your feelings some honest and serious thought. Be frank with yourself.
Ask yourself "Is this really love?" (whatever that is.) Or I am obsessed. Am I besotted? (which is not the same as love.
Then the rest of it is clear:-
No - you do not exclude family and friends and colleagues. No, no, no.
Bear in mind that if your feelings for each other are based on true love, then you will want each other to spend time with family and friends. Because that is part of what makes you the person you are.
Surely you would want to be in love with a whole and fully rounded person who has family and friends. Rather than a person who excludes everyone else from their life.
That would be unnatural and rather silly.
Looking back on life many people (and I am one of them) comes to realise that one of the great pleasure joys and needs is a true friend(s). You don't get many true friends in life, so don't desert them; they are precious.
If your boyfriend actually wants you to isolate yourself from family and friends - beware!
to the point of virtually shutting the world out normal or strange?
I can understand you wanting time alone ... that is only natural imo .... but if you always feel you would rather be alone than with him & friends too then that, imo is not really very healthy for either of you in the long run.
Yes by all means spend time alone toghether .... but you should also be able to feel comfortable with him and others company too.

That's my honest opinion anyway
There should always be room for both. Ideally he should be happy to meet up with F&F ............if he's not then a. I'd have cause to worry The first flush of love is lovely but .................we can't live in an exclusive bubble for long ..........we always need friends and family and although  you may be spending less time with them at the mo - they really and truly should not be excluded altogether.
It's totally unrealistic to think that it'll be jus5t the two of you forever ................. we all need others.
Soozy Woo
Thanks for your intelligent responses everyone. I have been seeing him for 15 months now. He doesn't want me to shut out my friends and family, and is happy to meet with them when I do. He also makes time in our relationship to see his friends and parents every now and then, and invites me along. He's sweet, sensitive, caring and treats my like a princess. I'm a lucky girl :-)

 I don't really have many true friends anyway, mainly acquaintances. Also i'm not particularly close to my family, and didn't really spend much time with them before I got together with Paul (apart from when we all want to watch the same television programme!). To be honest, i've always been a bit of a homebody/loner. Now since being with Paul, my life kind of revolves around him, and his friends and family. I feel like a bit of a sad, pathetic hanger on. But fortunately Paul doesn't see me like that, he's always loved me for who I am and makes me feel like the most special person in the world :-)

Hi Ilovewillyoung, long time. Hope you are well and had a lovely christmas!

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